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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

)EX. Steward, Robert K., appointment, 447 Stewart, H. W., appointment, 448 Stewart, LeRoy, appointment, 46 Stillians, A. W., appointment, 10, 500 Stock pavilion location, 566 superintendent of construction, 582 Stoek, H. H., 509 Stone, Frank L., appointment, 526 Stone, Ruben A., appointment, 498 Stone, R. S., appointment, 8 Stoolman, A. W. bid, 528 contract awarded, 528, 550 Stouffer, Ellis B., appointment, 446 Stout, L., appointment, 46 Stromquist, W. G., appointment, 533 Strong, Earl T., appointment, 447 Student fees, Registrar's report, 46 Students' Welfare committee on appointed, 107 report of committee on, 504 Stull, Ray T., appointment, 440, 446 Summer session appropriation for, 457 scholarships in, 114, 570 Superintendent of construction, 530, 582 Supervising Architect directed to proceed with plans for Woman's and Ceramics buildings, 461 heard concerning plans for new buildings, 461 requests of, 103 Supervising Architect's office, budget, 1911-1912, 444 Sutherland, Arthur H., appointment, 444, 464 Swenson, W. A., appointment, 576 Swern, P. W., appointment, 46 Swift, Elizabeth A., appointment, 448 Swine, breed specimens appropriation asked, 78 purchase of, 140, 144 Taft, Lorado, statues for Physics building, 63 Taggart, Margaret, appointment, 46, 446 Tanquary, Maurice C , appointment, 446 Taxidermy, furnishing of rooms for, 27 Taylor, Lillian E., appointment, 503 Taylor, S. C , appointment, 46, 445 Taylor, Thomas S., appointment, 447 j Taylor, W. H., appointment, 24, 446 Telephone service appropriation for extension of, 49,139,144 appropriation requested, 42, 43 letter, J. M. White, 74 Telescope, reflecting, purchase authorized, 599 Temperature regulation, installation in Dr. C. Zeleny's room, 22 Tennis courts, faculty, 40, 49, 530, 534 Terry, James P., appointment, 448 Thompson, Charles M., appointment, 474 Thompson, John G., appointment, 445 Thompson, M. W. appointment, 95 salary increased, 27 Thompson, Samuel A., appointment, 46/95 Thompson, Thomas E., appointment, 450 Tice, Frederick, appointment, 9, 499 Tieje, Ralph E., appointment, 444, 576 Tillson and Barnes, 'attorneys, letter, suit against J. H. Brady, 71 Todd, Arthur J., appointment, 474 Toilet rooms, University Hall, repairs needed, 70 Tomlinson, J. S. appointment, 6 salary, 497 Tongate, Hope F., appointment, 575 Tool and horse barn, south farm, appropriation asked, 78 Torrance, Mary, appointment/474 Tower room, library steel bookcases for, 84 shelving in, 165 Towers, University Hall, repairs needed, 70 Towlss, John K., appointment, 445 Towne, L.»J., appointment, 474, 582 909 Townsend, Edgar J. appointment, 439 delivered address, 22 endorsed request, 522 importation of chemicals and apparatus, 66 importation of zoological supplies, 72 letter, 67, 507 presented needs of Coilege of Science, 52 request, salary of Natural History Librarian, 63 Training school for Department of Education recommended in Senate report on Academy, 25 Transportation building, 567 plans and contract, 536 Traveling expenses of the President, 72 Treadwell, C. H., appointment, 10 Treasurer, bond of, 110 amount fixed, 96 Treasurer's report, 31, 47, 73,108, 474, 511, 554 Treat/Edna A., appointment, 553 Trigonometry, accepted for entrance credit, 118 Tupper, Harvey W., appointment, 526 Turner, H. M., appointment, 46, 447 Tuttle, George P., Jr., appointment, 474 Tyrrell, Josephine A., appointment, 553 Undesirable employes, dismissal of, 166 Uniforms, cadet bids for advertised, 91 contracts awarded, 116 recommendation of commandant, 68 United States fund, Comptroller's report, 18, 58, 100, 162, 483, 543, 559 University avenue, pavement, 589 University bills, payment of, 12 University Hall additional blackboards in, 38 changes in room of music department, 38 lighting of room in, 38 painting, 582 painting and repairs, 439 repairs needed, 70 repair on roof, 38 window shades, 530, 534 University, history of, 586 University Physician, employment of requested, 114 University presidents, conference of, 586 1 University Studies, appropriation for, 4.6] Usher, Miss S. leave of absence, 150 j resignation, 585 Vacancies and resignations, authority to fill and accept, 436 Vacancies appointment to fill, 524, 532 Vacuum cleaners, 538; 550 Van Alstine E., appointment, 443 Van Cleave, H. J., appointment, 446 V a n den Berg, Henry J., appointment, 449 Van Dyke, G. H., appointment, 10, 503 Van Hoesen, Elizabeth N., appointment, 11 Van Hoosen, Bertha, appointment, 9, 502 Van Meter, Anna R., resignation, 150 Vann, George H., appointment, 498 Van Skiver, Haxel B., appointment, 448 Van Zandt, J. G., appointment, 24 Varon, David, appointment, 446 Vedder, J. N., appointment, 24, 448 Vehicles, use of campus driveways by, 67 Ventilation, Natural History building, 534 Vernier, Chester G., appointment, 463, 474 Veterinary Science, Department of, budget, 1911 1912, 448, 454 Vogelein, Lily B., appointment, 575 Voigt, Irma E., appointment, 576 Voigt, Lida E., appointment, 449 Von Bachelle, C , appointment, 10, 503 Voodry, E. C , decision in will case, 431 Voss, Sophie M., appointment, 449 Voucher clause in appropriation bill, 143 Vreeland, Frederick, appointment, 503 Wagon sprinkler, 165 Wahlin, Gustaf E,, appointment, 446 Wakefield, O. RM report of O. A. Harker in case of, 136
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