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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

904 INDEX. Literature and arts, College of appropriation requested, 42 budget, 1911-1912, 444 needs of presented, 52 Little, Roger F., appointment, 538 Live stock investigations appropriation, 1Q11-1913,139, 141 appropriation asked, 78 purchase of specimens, 140,144 Llewellyn, Mrs. E. C. P., 548 Lloyd, J. W., appointment, 442 Loan Fund, Edward Snyder, Comptroller's report, 20, 485 Loan Fund, Woman's League, 71 Location and lease, College of Medicine, 118 Lockers, 530 for wood shop, 534 steel, for Law building, 27 Logan, C. C , appointment, 442 Logan, R. E., appointment, 6, 526 Loomis, Metta M. appointment, 6 salary, 497 Lorch, G. J., appointment, 10, 526 Loring, J. B., appointment, 9, 503 Love, Elizabeth, appointment, 552, 574 Ludwig, E. R., awarded Plym scholarship, 592 Lueder, F., appointment, 104 Lumbrick. A., appointment, 448 Lund, Stella, appointment, 117, 446 Lutz, Gretchen, appointment, 576 Lydston, G. F., appointment, 8, 501 Lyman, Edna, appointment, 95, 449 Lyon, E. P., appointment authorized, 468 Lytle, Ernest B., appointment, 446 McAllister, Dessie B., appointment, 525 McBride, Mabel E., appointment, 447 McCall, J. W.. letter, 4'90 McCarthy, Ellen S., appointment, 445 McCobb, Lois D., appointment, 449 McConn, C. M. appointment, 24, 443 communication, 578 election, 96, 548 salary as Principal of the Academy, 24 McDonald, E. M., appointment, 441 MacDonald, Janet M., appointnient, 575 McDowell, W. D., appointment/^98 McEwen, George F., appointment, 446 McEwen, Mary G., appointment, 9, 502 McFarland, David, appointment, 445, 448 MacFarlane, Wallace, appointment, 576 McGregor, Halbert P., appointment, 445 McGurty, Agnes, appointment, 445 McHarry, Jessie, appointment, 576 Maclnnes, Duncan A., appointment, 445 Mclntire, Catherine M., appointment, 448 MacKecknie, H. N., appointment, 11 McKee, Walter C , appointment, 499 McKim, Mead and White, made consulting architects, 460 McKinney, Eula M., appointment, 444 McKnight, W. A., communication, 528 McLean, Ruth B., appointment, 473 McMullen, Jennie B., appointment, 574 McNatt, H. E., appointment, 473 McNealy, R. W., appointment, 500 Macpherson ; H., appointment, 23, 445 Maher, Nellie, appointment, 552 Maintenance and extension bill, 1911-1913,139,140 Major work in graduate school, 571 Maloney, Margaret I., salary, 497 Mann, F. M minority report, 566 report, 592 Manning, V. H., 509. Manspeaker, Lotta Mae, appointment, 45, 446 Marietta, S. U., appointment, 499 Marquis, F. W., appointment, 526 Martin, Oscar R., appointment, 445 x£ason, J. C , civil service, 64, 510 Law, College of appropriation^ 1911-1913,139, 141 appropriation requested, 42, 76 budget, 1911-1912, 449, 456 needs of presented, 52 scholarships authorized, Q7 special instructor in, 538 Lazar, Alner, appointment, 498 Lazar, E., appointment, 6 Lazar, N., appointment, 6 Lazar, Shul, appointment, 7, 498 Xazar, Stepney appointment, 7, 498 Xeague, Woman's, loan fund, 71 Lease, College of Medicine, 2,118 changes in, 79, 91, 434 Leave of absence, procedure for, 592 ^Lectures appropriation for, 457 "exchange of with Japan, 147 Lee, Albert R., appointment, 443 Lee? H. C , appointment, 8, 498 Legislative bills affe'cting the University, 94 Legnard, J. B., appointment, 502 Lehenbauer, P. A., appointment, 23, 445, 575 Leighty, W. R., appointment, 23, 448 Lens for lantern in lecture room (228) Natural History building, purchase authorized, 22 LeRoy, F., appointment, 23 Xessing, O. E., appointment, 444 Leutwiler, O. A., appointment, 447 LeveyfC. J., appointment, 117 Lewison, M., appointment, 10, 500 Libey, Grace Herbert, appointment, 444, 473 Xibrarian, State Laboratory of Natural History, Salary of, 63 Library^ addition to requested, 41, 76, 77 appropriation, additions to, 1911-1912,139, 141 appropriation requested, 42 budget, 1911-1912, 449, 456 committee on, appointed, 107 exchanges, 569 fees appropriated, 42 • fines appropriated, 42 grating over windows, 38 improved lighting, 530, 534 lighting of room 105, 38 needs of, presented, 52 painting and repairs, 438 plans for development, 595 shelving in tower room, 165 Library of Natural History, stacks and equipment, 89 Library School budget, 1911-1912, 449, 456 lighting, 546 Lighting art exhibits in auditorium, 89 business office, additional, 70 campus, 477 Lighting and heating plant, additions to, appropriation asked, 76 Lightning rods, 530, 534 Lillehei, Ingebright L., appointment, 473 Lincoln avenue pavement, 83, 585, 589 Lincoln, Francis, C , appointment, 514 Lincoln Hall concrete floors in, 113 cornerstone laid, 22 decoration of entrance, 493 dedication, appropriation for, 436 elevator for, 113 equipment and furniture, appropriation for, 89 finishing and equipment, appropriations for, 113 finishing basement of> 113 finishing top story of, 119 heat, light, and power connections, 113 lightning rods, 534 panels between windows, 113 settlement, 551 Linder, Grace, appointment, 448 .Lindsey, M. T., appointment, 445
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