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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
902 INDEX. Hoit, Otis W. oath of office administered, 44, 88 resolutions in Alumni Association, 2 Hollenbeck, F. D., appointment, 10 Holley, C. F., appointment, 575 Hollister, H. A., appointment, 440, 450 Hollman, E. E. appointment, 552 Holmes, R. R., appointment, 11, 498 Holt, S. V., appointment, 448 Honors awarded, list of, 133 . Honorary degrees, 132,133 Hopkins, C. G. appointment, 440, 448 communication, 571 letter, deeds for land for soil investigations, 62 statement, plans for armory, 156 Hornbeck, J. W., appointment, 447 Horner, Nellie N., appointment, 576 Horse building, appropriation asked l 78 Horses, breed specimens, appropriation asked, 78 • Horses, purchase of breed specimens, appropriation for, 1911-1913, 140, 144 Horstmann, F. M., appointment, 11, 525 Horticultural greenhouses, 459 location, 461, 505, 566 removal, 582 Horticulture building, painting, 582 Horticulture, Department of, budget, 1911-1912, 448? 449, 454 Horticulture investigations, appropriations for, 1911-1913, 139, 142 Horticulture laboratory, cold storage in, appropriation asked, 78 Hoskins, E. E , appointment, 448 Hottes, C. F., appointment, 445 Houchens, J. B., appointment, 449 Household science, Department of appropriation for, 1911-1913, 139, 143 budget, 1911-1912, 448, 454 enlargement of facilities of, requested, 42 special students in, 590 Houses on engineering tract, sale of, 159, 459 Houston, H. A., appointment, 472 Howard, D. T., appointment, 23 Howard, F. A.., appointment, 45, 98 Howard, J. W., appointment, 575 Howe, P. E., appointment, 445 Hubbard, F. E., letter, paving Lincoln avenue, 83 Huber, Harold E „ appointment, 45, 95, 525, 576 Huenink, Henry L., appointment, 445 Huff, G. A., appointment, 440 Hughes, L. J., appointment, 11 Hughes, S. K , 437 Hulburd, Annabel A.,, appointment, 450 Hulce, R. S., appointment, 448 Hull, A. H., appointment, 445 Hull, H. B., appointment, 552 Hull, W., appointment, 23 Hume, A. N., appointment, 25 Humiston, C. E., appointment, 10, 502 Hursh ? R. K., appointment, 473 Hutchings, J. B., Jr., appointment, 117, 530 Hutchins, Margaret, appointment, 450 Hydraulic laboratory, painting and repairs, 438 Illini Club of Schenectady, resolutions of, 114 Illinois Canners Association, letter, 490 Illinois field, painting and repairs to fence, 438 Illinois National Guard, commissions in, 134 Illinois River Biological Survey, 68 letter, S. A., Forbes, 84* Illinois Traction System contract for electricity, 533 prices of electricity, 529 Importation of botanical supplies, 90 Importation of chemicals and apparatus' authorized, 66 Import orders, 539 School of Pharmacy, 573 Improvements to buildings, 530 Improvements to grounds, painting and repairs, appropriation for, 1911-1913, 139,141 Harker, O. A. appointment, 439 O'Brien case referred to, 519 presented needs of College of Law, 52 report, 572 report in case of O. R. Wakefiehl, 136 report of decision in Voodry case, 431 requested authorization of scholarships in law, 67 statement, injunction against University, 466, 467 Harnack, Carmen, appointment, 450 Harper, J. E., appointment, 8, 503 Harris, E. C , resignation, 27 Harris, F. G., appointment, 10, 500 Harris, R. H. letter from, 71 request from, 489 Harrison, E. Bernice, appointment, 45 Harsha, W. M., appointment, 7, 9, 11, 501 Hart, Eliza, appointment, 525 Hartman, Miner L., appointment, 445 Harting, Adolph, appointment, 526 Haskell, 3. E., appointment, 10, 526 Hassin, G. S., appointment, 11. 500 Hatch, F. L. elected, 96 elected to executive committee, 548 Haugan, H. A. bond accepted, 110 election, 96 report, 31, 47, 73, 10S, 474, 511, 554 Hawk, Philip B., appointment, 445 Hawthorne, W. C. appointment, 7, 8, 9, 497, 526 salary, 496 Hay, Nathaniel, appointment, 443 Hay den, C. C , appointment, 448, 526 Hayes, C. J., letter concerning pavement of South Fourth street, 164 Hayes, Edward C. appointment, 445 request, 598 Hayhurst, E". R. appointment, 7,10, 95, 499, 525 salary, 497, 527 Heat, light, coaL gas, etc., appropriation for, 457 Heater, Myrtle E., appointment, 514 Heating and lighting plant, additions to, appropriation asked, 76, 139, 144 Hecht, Josef, appointment, 45 Heelan, Elizabeth, appointment, 6 Heeren, H. E., appointment, 577 Hegnauer, Leonard, appointment, 436 Heineck, A. P., appointment, 9 Heintz, E. L., appointment, 7,10, 499 Held, Felix E., appointment, 472 Helmle, H. R. ; appointment, 45 Hendrix, William S., appointment, 444 Henion, Lora A., appointment, 444 Henry, Elizabeth, appointment, 45 Henry, R. L., appointment, 490 Hepburn, N. W., appointment, 448 Herdman, Margaret M., appointment, 472 Hershfield. A. S., appointment, 11, 500 Hertwig, A., appointment, 23 Heuse, E. C , appointment, 575 Hewes, C. K., appointment, 445 Hibbard, W. G., Jr., gifts to museum, 520* High school contest, appropriation fof, 457 Hill, Alva J., appointment, 514 Hill, William, appointment, 576 Hilscher, Ralph, appointment, 472 Hinds, M. E., appointment, 552 Hiskey, George N. appointment, 526 salary, 497 Histology and embryology, Department of, Junior College of Medicine, 525 History, Department of, budget, 1911-1912, 444,451 History of University, proposed, 586 Hodnefield, Dacob, appointment, 449 Hoffman, Paul, appointment, 23
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