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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
INDEX. Gaines, W. L., appointment, 443 Gallie, D. M., appointment, 8, 497 Gamble, W. E., appointment, 9; 503 Gannett, H. L., fire inspector, payment of, 475 Gardner, G. A., appointment, 10 Gardner, Stella M. appointment, 7, 9, 499 salary, 497 Garner, J. W v leave of absence, 71 Garrett, Frank W., appointment, 448 Garver,N. B., appointment, 23, 447 Gas main, extension of, 38 Gates, W. D,, suggestions concerning location of Ceramics building, 155 Gathercoal, E. N., appointment, 465 Gaut, Rosa-Lee, appointment, 451 Gawne, Paul W v appointment, 447 Gay, G. 1., appointment, 23 Geddes, Nellie C , appointment, 450 Gehrig, John G., appointment, 149 Gehrmann, Adolph appointment, 7, 9, 504, 525 salary, 497 General Electric Company, presents recording steam meter, 40 General engineering drawing, Department of, budget, 1911-1912, 447 General University bill, 1911-1913, 76 Geological and mining investigations, appropriations for, 1911-1913, 139, 143 Geological survey of Illinois agreement with, 507 proposed expenditures, 509 Geology, Department of, budget, 1911-1912, 446, 452 Gephart, Frank, appointment, 532 German, Department of, budget, 1911-1912, 444, 451 Gernert, Walter B., appointment, 448 Gerrity, Katherine, appointment, 7, 498 Geyer, D. L., appointment, 576 Gibbs, Charlotte, appointment, 448 Giese, H. W., successor on Pharmacy Board^appointed, 165 ' Gill, Harry L., appointment, 450 Girard, M., appointment, 7 Glasgow, Hugh, appointment, 446 Glasshouse, rebuilding of appropriation asked, 78 appropriation for, 140,144 Gleghorn, J. D., appointment, 23 Glenz, E. A., appointment, 533 Glover, Anna C , appointment, 448' Goben, Loma, appointment, 447 Godeke, Harry W., appointment, 447 Goetz, Antoinette, appointment,'450 Goff, Mary, appointment, 136 Goldstine, M. T., appointment, 10 Goldthwaite, Nellie E., appointment, 442 Gonnerman, Harrison F., appointment, 447 Good, J. W., appointment, 575 Goodenough, G. A., appointment, 90 Goodkind, M. L., appointment, 9,499 Goodman, Byne F., appointment, 576 Goodman, F. M. appointment, 465 leave of absence, 466 communication, 521 Gordon, Hugh B., appointment, 445 Goss, W. F. M. appointment, 440 authorized to purchase land, 437 changes in electrical laboratory, 431 communication, 507, 529 letter, sale of houses on engineeringTtract, 459 letter, statues for Physics building, 63 letter/plans for engineering building, 437 letters, location of Ceramics building, 154,155 presented needs of College of Engineering, 52 readjustment of duties in College of Engineering, 28 . recommendations, 520, 567 salary increased, 436 901 Gould, Henrietta, appointment, 10 Goulding, Philip S., appointment, 450 Gourley, L. H., appointment, 577 Graduate School appropriation asked, 42, 76 appropriation for? 139,141 balances appropriated, 72 budget, 1911-1912, 449, 456 major work in, 571 needs of presented, 52 scholarships and fellowships authorized, 72, 571 Graham, D., awarded Plym fellowship, 146 Graham, Mary, appointment, 117 Graves, L. H., appointment, 552 Gray, Cora E., appointment, 448 Graybeal, J.? appointment, 11 Green, Bessie R., appointment, 446 Green, Frederick, appointment, 449. Greene, E. B. appointment, 439 leave of absence, 520 presented needs of College of Literature and Arts, 52 recommendation for appointment of custodians of Museums, 434 Greenhouse, appropriation of $800 for, 40, 48 Greenhouse, agronomy, appropriation asked, 78 Greenhouse, plant breeding, appropriation asked, 78 Greenhouses, horticultural and agronomy, 459 location of, 461, 505, 566 removal, 582 Greenhouses, north painting, 582 rebuilding benches and replacing pipes in, 103 Greenlaw, Frank A., appointment, 513 Gregory, Regent, resolutions concerning, 2 Gridley, Clara L., appointment, 450 Griffith, Mabel F., appointment, 444 Gridley, H. S presented results of nutrition investigation, 53 requested appropriation of balance for nutrition investigation, 67 Gross, Mr., installation of clock system, 2, 76 Grout, A. P. elected, 96 elected to executive committee, 548 Gubbins, Maud, appointment, 7, 498 Gunderson, Joseph, appointment, 449 Gustafson, A. F., appointment, 441 Gutberlet, J. E., appointment, 23, 446 Gwinn, Alta, appointment, 444 Gymnasium painting under roof, 103 remodelling, appropriation for, 70 repairs, appropriation asked, 76 repairs and reconstruction, appropriation for, 139,144 Haan, Mary A., appointment, 575 Habermeyer, George C , appointment, 447 Hadley, Harry F., appointment, 445 Hager, Daniel, appointment, 503 Hague, Stella M., appointment, 23, 445 Hahl Automatic Clock Co., 76 Hake, Harry G., appointment, 447 Halberg. C. S. N. resolutions concerning, 105 successor to, 23 Hall, Ethel L., appointment, 513 Hall, Homer, appointment, 575 Hall, James, appeal of, 64, 86, 107 Hallj L. D., appointment, 448 Halliday, Ernest M., appointment, 444 Hana, Leo G., appointment, 450 Handbook for freshmen, 148 Handschin, Walter F., appointment. 472 Hanelin, W. B., appointment, 11 Hansen, Paul, appointment, 513, 514 Harbarger, Sada A., appointment, 444 Harding, Albert A., appointment, 449 Harger, J. R., appointment, 11, 502
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