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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
INDJSX. 895 INDEX. Abbott, William L., elected president, 96, 548 letter, 519 oath of office administered, 88 Abrams, Duff A. appointment, 448 Absence, leave of procedure, 592 Academydiscontinued June 1911, 35 report of committee on, 34 report of Senate concerning, 25 Accountancy Board of Examiners, 85, 538 Board of Examiners, appeal of James Hall from decision of, 64 committee on, report of, successor to R. S. Buchanan, 40 examinations, date changed, 91 Ackertj J. E., appointment, 577 Acoustics, auditorium, appropriation for investigation of, 70 Adams, Charles C , appointment, 446 Adams, C. E., appointment; 551 Additions to plant, appropriations asked, 76 Adjacent land, options on, 586 Adler, Frederick M., appointment, 471 Adler, F. H., appointment, 576 Administration building, appropriation asked, 81 Administrative appointments, 1911-12, 439 Advance of rent, College of Medicine, 28, 60, 83, 147 Advisory Board, Pharmacy, appointment to, 104 Age requirements, special students in agriculture and household science, 590 Agricultural building, additions to appropriation asked, 78 Agricultural buildings, new appropriations for, 140,144 contracts for, 489 Agricultural buildings, repairs appropriations asked, 78 fire escapes, 534 lighting rods, 534 painting, 438 roof for court of, 570 Agricultural Experiment Station appropriations for, 139,141 Comptroller's report, 17, 58, 100, 162, 483, 543, 560 lands for investigation, 515 publications, etc., 582 warrants, year ending June 30,1911,402 warrants, year ending June 30.1912, 865 Agricultural Extension, dept. oi assistant professor of, 537 budget, 448, 453 vacancy in, 570 Agriculture committee on, appointed, 107 committee on, report of, 64,460, 519 inspection of neighboring colleges of, 28 Agriculture, College of appropriation for instruction, 139,141 appropriation requested, 42, 78 budget, 448,453 extra room for, 538 needs of presented, 52 special students in. 590 summary of available funds, 454 Agronomy building lightning rods, 534 painting, 582 Agronomy, dept. of appropriation for soil investigations included in injunction, 467 budget, 448,453 Agronomy greenhouse v appropriation asked, 78 appropriation for2140,144 Akin, Ida E., appointment, 23 Alden, Raymond M appointment. 85 letter from E. J. James, 93 Aleshire, M. C , appointment, 44 Alexander, Mrs. Carrie, resolution presented, 523 Alexander. Lilla M., appointment, 471 Alger, Archie R., appointment, 447 Allen, Mrs. Josephine appointment, 6 salary, 497 Allen, Mary S., appointment, 513 Allen, Thomas G., appointment, 499 Allen, W. E., appointment, 23 Allen, W. G., appointment, 10 Allen, W. M., Son & Co bid on Ceramics building, 550 bid on new buildings, 528 Alley, William E., appointment, 447 Alt, G. L., appointment, 10 Alumni Association, 549 communication, 1 Alumni Quarterly, appropriation for, 457 Alumni Record, second edition of, 436 American Medical Missionary College Alumni request for medical scholarships, 25, 71 Amos, Winifred L., appointment, 450 Amsbury, F. C , communication, 599 Anatomy, Department of, Junior College of Medicine, 525 . Anderson, Henry W., appointment, 449 Andrews, Peach H., appointment, 524 Andros, Stephen S., appointment, 532 Animal Husbandry building, appropriation for, 140,144 Animal Husbandry, Department of, budget, 448, 449 453 Animal Pathology, professorship of, created, 521 Animal room, Natural History Building, construction authorized, 22 Apgar, Marguerite, appointment, 443 Apparatus and appliances, appropriation for, 139, 141
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