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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

46 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Dec. 13 Robertson, Nellie, order assistant in the Library, at a salary of fifty-five dollars ($55.00) per month, for ten months, beginning Oct. 4, 1910, without vacation. Smith, Bertram, stack assistant in the Library of the University, for nine months, beginning Nov. 15, 1910, at a salary of seventy dollars ($70.00) a month. Smith, Mrs. Raymond S., stenographer and bookkeeper in the order department of the Library, at a salary of fifty dollars ($50.00). per month, for ten months, beginning Oct. 1, 1910, without vacation. Smith, William H., half time assistant in the animal husbandry department in the College of Agriculture, at a salary of five hundred dollars ($500.00) per annum, work and salary to begin as soon .as he reports for duty, in place of Mr. May, who declined to accept the appointment after it was made. Steele, Maude F., stenographer in the office of the dean of the Graduate School, at a salary of four hundred eighty dollars ($480.00) per year, beginning Oct. 26, 1910, in place of Ethel Titus, resigned, salary to be paid from the commerce fund. Stewart, LeRoy, clerk of the moot court in the College of Law, for the academic year 1910-11, at a salary of one hundred dollars ($100.00), payable "in installments of fifty dollars ($50.00) at the end of each semester. Stout, F. L., assistant in the Military Department, for the present academic year. Swern, P. W., assistant in the Military Department, for the present academic year. Taggart, Margaret, assistant in zoology, at a salary of thirty dollars ($30.00) per month, from Nov. 1, 1910, until July 1, 1911, in place of E. W. €randall, resigned. Taylor, S. C, student, assistant in Chemistry, at a salary of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per year, beginning Sept. 1, 1910, in place of J. D. Cleghorn, withdrawn. Thompson, Samuel A., custodian of the Law Library, for the current semester, at a salary of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per month, beginning Oct. 1, 1910. Turner, H. M., assistant in Electrical Engineering, at a salary of eight hundred dollars ($800.00), for ten months, beginning Sept. 1, 1910. Walter, Chesley M., custodian of the Law Library, for the current semester, at a salary of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per month, beginning Oct. 1, 1910. Wheeler, Harold L., shelf assistant in the Library, at a salary of seventy dollars ($70.00) per month, for a period of ten months, beginning Oct. 1, 1910, or as soon as he reports for duty. Wilsky, Albert, laboratory helper in the Department of Chemistry, at a salary of thirty-two dollars ($32.00) per month, for nine months, beginning Oct. 1, 1910, in place of W. A. Estes, withdrawn. Wormser, I. Maurice, instructor in the College of Law, for the second naif of the present academic year 1910-11, at a salary of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), work and salary to begin Feb. 1, 1911. KEPORTS OF S T U D E N T S ' FEES. T h e secretary presented the registrar's report of fees due from students of the Summer Session of 1910; and from students in the College of Medicine for the quarter ending September 30, 1910. This report was referred to the Finance Committee.
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