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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1912] PROCEEDINGS OP T H E BOARD OP TRUSTEES. 771 General University Warrants— Continued. No. Date. 1912. To whom. For what. Amount. 15 The Commerieal Acteylene Co 1266F Mar. Crane Co 12669 . . d o . . The Linde Air Products Cp 12670 do [General Electric Co 12671 ..do [C. P. Lesh Paper Co. 12672 ..do Master Car Builders Association 12673 ..do The Albion Register ,. 12674| . do 12675 ..do Neostyie Co 12676 ..do Bean *Spray Pump Co 12677 ..do The National Civic federation 12678 ..do T h e H . W. Wilson Co 12679 ..do The Willis Music Co 12680 ..do •Hudson Book Co 12681 . do [The Special Libraries Association 12682 ..do Wm. Trice E s t a t e — — 126S3 ..do Hodgart&Co '. 12684]..do The Hammond Typewriter Co 12685 ..do The Hill & Griffith C o . . . . : 12686 ..do Sheldon Bfick Co * 12687i ..do Exporters Encyclopaedia Co 126881 ..do C.C.Gere 126*9 ..do H. J. Green 12690 . . d o . . . . . J. R.Midyett 12691 . . d o . . . . Bert Way 12692 . . d o . . . . J. E..Readhimer 12693 ..do P. E. Karraker , 12694]. . d o . . . . (The Albert Dickinson Co 12695 . . d o . . . . American Fertilizer Co 12696 . . d o . . . . Pantagraph Printing & Stationery C o . . . 12697 . . d o . . . . A. W.Stevens Co 126981 . . d o . . . . Peoria Tent & Awning Co 12699 . . d o . . . . The Manson-Campbell Co 12700 . . d o . . . . Luitwieler Pumping Engine Co 12701 . - d o . . . . O. E. Staples, chief clerk.. , 12702 . . d o . . . . O. E. Staples, chief clerk 12703 . . d o . . . . O. E. Staples, chief clerk. 12704 . . d o . . . . O. E . Staples, chief clerk 12,05 ..do O. E. Staples, chief clerk. 127061 ..do 0 . E . Staples, chief clerk. J 12707 ..do W. W. Lindley, P. M 12708 ..do L. Ultra Violet .• 12709 ..do J. N: Beers 12710 ..do American Express Co : 12711 ..do The Audit Co. of Illinois 12712 ..do H.B.Ward 12713 ..do A. S. Wilson .' 12714 ..do Florence R. Curtiss 12715 ..do E. R. Welshly 12716 . . d o . . Cable Piano Co 12717 . . d o . . W. F. Langelier 12718 . . d o . . | The University Club of Urbana.&-Cham' 12719Mar. J 16 F. S. Webster 127201 . . d o . . . . Grant Carpenter 12721 . . d o . . . . [Munhall Printing House. 12722 . . d o . . . . Buerle & Morris 12723 . . d o . . . . W. J. Boehm 12724 . . d o . . . . M. A. Donohue & Co -. 12725 . . d o . . . . Twin City Electric Co 12726 . . d o . . . . G. & C. Merriam Co 12727 . . d o . . . . R. L. Bowman.... 12728 . . d o . . . . The Wabash Cabinet Co 12729 . . d o . . . . The Carborundum Co 12730j . . d o . . . . The Champaign Bottling Works 12731, . . d o . . . . W. R. Bradley & Co 12732| . . d o . . . . T.L.Cole 12733, . . d o . . . . T. H. Flood & Co 12734 . . d o . . . . Callaghan & Co 12735 . d o . . . . W. T. Jewell 12736 . d o . . . . Goder-Heinmann Co 12737 . . d o . . . . [The University Press 12738 d o . . . . Champaign Daily Gazette 12739 . . d o . . . . 1. W. Maxwell ". 12740 d o . . . . G . L . K o c h . . . 12741 d o . . . . |J. M. Thornburn & Co 12742 d o . . . . Gulick Tailoring Co Gas Pipe Supplies Watt and voltmeters, etc. Paper. Annual dues Books Stencils, ink, etc Pump Book... Book binding Books ..do Dues and subscription Glass, varnish, etc Packing Ribbons, etc r Pins, fillet, e t c . , Fireclay ....: Book. Alarm clock Thermometers Cow peas Field expenses Expenses ..do Seeds... Bone meal Printing Lifting jack Stack covers Bagger Bushings Rebat s to students Express bills paid Men's pay roll Students' pay roll Sundry bills paid Freight bills paid.. Laboratory apparatus. Premium -,... Express, etc Auditing do. do. Furniture. Rental Rooms and meals Pencil sharpener...... Cab work Printing , Apparatus Laboratory apparatus. Printing Lamp Book -. Clock Cards , Silicon Gas Candy Books do do '.. Hay, oats, etc [Map Printing Advertising [Straw Hay Seeds Tailoring $ 2 94 6 *1 1 75 210 50 11 25 7 50 10 00 16 00 176 00 1 00 4 00 9 79 5 22 200 7 15 6 30 2 25 11 33 800 5 00 2 50 14 40 44 00 1 50 20 70 48 20 5 14 2 83 116 59 4 25 39 32 5 00 22 50 262 12 50 56 626 31 533.34 28 54 ' 426 28 654 00 171 00 10.00 21 00 171 34 35 99 30 60 31,10 353 50 12 00 14,85 .8 35 3.00 3.00 11 00 235 00 75:50 10 50 3.25 10 80 6 50 8 80 5 00 2 00 3 00 31 65 48 75 10 25 4 35 7 50 " 3 25 2 00 28 80 271 82 3 96 19 00 paign I........... j
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