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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

620 U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S . [Aug. 12 General University No. Date. To whom. Warrants—Continued. For what. Amount. 1911. Gas consumed 1269 Aug. 12 U. & C. Gas & Electric Company Payment on contract. 1270 . .do English Brothers Extra on contract 1271 ..do J.M. Streff. [Sand 1272 ..do Royal A. Stipes Awnings 1273 ..do Walker & Mulliken Seeds .. 1274 .. do Henry A. Dreer.... Flowers 1275 . .do Gus Johnson Letterheads 1276 . .do R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company Hire of horse 1277 . .do Mrs. Jesse Mcharry Book 1278 . .do Cromarty Law Book Company Blanks : 1279 . .do Iowa Library Commission Cards 1280 . .do Librarian of Congress Binders... 1281 . .do Feldman System Manufacturing Co Boxes 1282 ..do Mrs. Fred L. Charles Labor and materials.. 1283 ..do J.M.Duncan Candles 1284 . . d o . . . . . Wm. Sim Drug Co Mirrors 1285 . . d o . . . . . Bauseh & Lomb Optical Company jClamps, e t c . . . . 1286|..do Win. Gaertner & Company Repairing typewriter. 12871..do T. A. Wilske Neostyle.... 1288 ..do Wm. Frost Field expenses 1289 . .do James Pearson Expenses 1290 ..do F. W. Gault do 1291 . . d o . . . ; . F. W. Garrett do 1292 . .do E. E. Hoskins Meals, etc 1293 . .do Beardsley Hotel Company Fastners 1294 ..do Carl Bajohr L. G. Company Telephone repairs 1295 . .do Automatic Electric Company Livery 1296 . .do Chester Transfer Company Shears 1297 . .do Maher & Grosh Cutting Company !Cheese factory c a n s . . . 1298 . .do I J. G. Cherry Company Autoclaw 1299 . .do Bramhall Range Company Hardware, etc 1300 . -do Jolly Wieland and Richardson Co. Photographing.... 1301 . . d o . . . . . J. Horace McFarland Company Painting, etc 1302 . .do Louis,Ely Company Apparatus 1303 . .do , Central Scientific Company Books... 1304 ..do IDodd-Mead & Company 1305 . .do IYaie & Towne Manufacturing Company. Locks Cabbage 1300 ..do EL DeYoung Apparatus 1307 . .do Woldenberg & Schaar , Zenoleum 1308 . .do Zenner Disinfectant Company Expenses 1309 . . d o . . . . . E . A . W h i t e . . Percolators 1310 . .do Whitall Tatum Company Straw 1311 . -do Pearl Adams Filing cabinets 1312 .. d o . . . . . The Shaw Walker Company Recording 1313 . .do Ayrshire Breeders' Association Bran, etc 1314 ..do J.E.Taylor.... Radiator supplies 1315 . .do American Radiator Company Oats 1316 . -do James Asher Machines and repairs. 1317 . . d o . . . . .International Harvester Company Boxes 1318 . .do A. W. Spalding Harness and saddle... 1319 . -do. Stock Yards Harness & Saddle Co Feed supplies 1320 . .do Rudydale Poultry Farm 1321 .. d o . . . . . E. L. Mounier \ Pig 1322 . .do J. S. Ashbrook Company Balanced ration Straw 1323 . .do W. A. Hutchinson Furnishings 1324 ..do |J. B. Porter Solder, etc 1325 . .do Berger Manufacturing Company White lead , 1326 . -do Eagle White Lead Company 1327 . -do E. P. Smith Wire & Iron Works , Guard.... Varnish, etc 1328 . .do Standard Varnish Works Varnish 1329L.do Pratt & Lambert Linseed oil 1330 . .do Sherwin-Williams Company Type 1331 . .do Barnhart Bros. & Spindler Asbestos lumber 1332 . .do Paul J. Krez & Company Couleineter repairs 1333 ..do W. J. Bochus [Shells 1334 . .do Eimer & Amend [Chemicals 1335 . do General Chemical Company [Stopwatch 1336 . .do Albert Wuesteman Support 1337 ..do A. C. Melcher Regulator 1338 ..do W . J . Smith Drugs 1339 . .do Fuller & Fuller Company 1340 . .do Wisconsin Lime & Cement Company Lime 1341 . .do Crescent Paper Company 1342 . .do Champaign Agricultural* Store Raddle, etc 1343 . . d o . . . . . Charles Mollett Planting apparatus. 13441. .do I&escent Paper Company $ 172 36 12,055 88 37 00 3 00 10 00 3 35 3 00 7 50 13 00 4 25 134 75 00 18 75 1 32 48 19 1 00 10 00 80 00 2 50 15 00 42 10 41 92 61 51 72 48 6 50 2 60 27 50 34 18 4 00 8 50 136 50 4 70 53 00 47 75 86 00 7 20 1 70 12 00 79 70 12 50 167 55 22 82 35 68 64 15 15 00 11 75 1 23 85 08 186 22 > 3 60 76 00 38 95 25 00 6 60 67 75 99 17 35 50 70 70 26 50 61 99 52 65 86 52 6 44 16 80 3 35 1 52 102 05 6 00 4 40 9 50 63 67 13 50 18 72 19 35 21 95 19 00 i J
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