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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

598 UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S . [June 7 HEAT AND LIGHT AT COST FOR Y. W. C. A. (14) A request from Professor E. C. Hayes and Professor Isabel Bevier, chairman and secretary, respectively, of the Building Committee of the Young Women's Christian Association, that the association be allowed to obtain heat and light for its new building, to be erected at the corner of Wright and John streets, Champaign, from the University plant at cost; this request being based on the substantial services rendered by.the association to University girls; the arrangement to be similar in a general way to that at present existing with the Young Men's Christian Association. On motion of Mrs. Bahrenburg, both of the foregoing requests were approved. * B'NAI B'RITH LIBRARY OP JEWISH LITERATURE. (15) The following letter from Mr. Isaac Kuhn, of Champaign, concerning a gift from the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith to be us.ed for the purchase of books on Jewish literature: CHAMPAIGN, I I I . , ' M a y 11, 1912. President Edmund J. James, University of Illinois, TJroana, III.: MY DEAR PRESIDENT JAMES—Enclosed you will find a check for $500.00 sent to me by District No. 6, Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, which is to be used for the B'nai B'rith Library of Jewish Literature of the University of Illinois. It is requested that the money be expended at the direction of Dr. D. S. Blondheim. ' " A receipt for this amount may be sent to Edward Sonnenschein, Stock Exchange Building, Chicago, 111., who is chairman of the committee appointed to raise the fund. I may say that the members of the order deeply appreciate the interest you have shown in the establishment of the library. I wish to thank you most sincerely on their behalf as well as my own. Very truly yours, ISAAC KUHN. On motion of Mrs. Evans, it was voted that the president of the University be authorized to accept this gift, and to make a suitable acknowledgement to Mr. Khihn and through him to his associates in the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith. . JSTE.W BATTERY EOR FIRE TRUCK. President Abbott presented the need of a new and stronger battery for the University fire truck, which can be advantageously purchased at a cost of three hundred fifty-five dollars ($355.00), and asked that an appropriation of this amount be made and that the matter be placed in the hands of the president of the board, with power to act. This request was approved, and the appropriation of three hundred fifty-five dollars .($355.00) involved therein was made, the vote being as follows: Ayes, Mrs.' Bahrenburg, Mrs. Busej^, Mrs. Evans, Mr. Grout, Mr. Hatch, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Moore; noes, none; absent, Mr. Anthony, Mr. Blair, Mr. Deneen, Mr. Meeker; present but not voting, Mr. Abbott. BOND FOR ORDNANCE AND ORDNANCE STORES. President Abbott presented also certain correspondence with the ordnance division of the War Department in regard to the bond given by
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