Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

554 UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S . [March 19 Fees of Students—Concluded. Music Fees— 1 @ 3.00 2@ 4.25 1 @ 5.50 1 @ 6.50 5 @ 7.50 1 @ 8.00 49 @ 8.50 4@ 9.00 7 @ 11.00. 14 @ 15.00 11 @ 19.50 2 @ 25.00 3 @ 32.50 Total music fees Total general fees : .... $ 3 (0 8 50 5 50 6 50 37 50 8 00 416 50 36 00 77 00 210 00 214 50 50 00 97 50 $1,170 50 $8 50 $ 3 00 8 50 5 50 6 50 37 50 8 00 408 06 36 00 77 00 210 00 214 50 50 00 97 50 $1,162 00 $47,697 50 $ 437 50 439 50 73 00 8,046 00 403 50 686 00 114 50 6 00 216 75 230 00 273 00 62 00 990 00 168 00 12 00 556 00 427 00 $13,140 75 $150 00 15 00 $165 00 $8 50 $3,238 75 $ 1 00 22 00 : $50,936 25 $ 438 50 439 50 73 00 8,068 00 403 50 686 00 114 50 6 00 227 75 230 00 273 00 62 00 990 00 171 50 12 00 556 00 427 00 $13,178 25 $150 00 15 00 $165 00 Laboratory Fees— Architecture Botany Ceramics Chemistry Civil engineering .. . Electrical engineering. . Entomology. General engineering drawing Geology Household science. Mechanical engineering.. __ Municipal and sanitary engineering Physics " . . . T. T. Physiology Psychology T. & A. Mechanics * Zoology ' Total laboratory fees. Listener's Fees— 20 @ 7.50 4 @3.75 Total listener's fees Special Examination Fees— 135 @ 5.00 Late Registration Fees— 53 @ 1.00 Change Fees— 403 @ 1.00 Diploma fees Total special fees. Total fees .-'. ." ^ •11 00 3 50 ... $37 50 ... . 075 00 53 00 403 00 2 00 $1,298 00 $65,412 00 $5 00 1 00 1 00 $7 00 $3,283 25 670 00 52 00 402 00 2 00 $1,291 00 $62,129 25 TREASURER'S BEPORT. The secretary presented the report of Mr. H. A. Haugan, treasurer, for the quarter ending Dec. 30, 1911, which was received to be printed in the minutes and referred to the Finance Committee: