Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1911] PROCEEDINGS OF T H E BOARD OF TRUSTEES. LOCATION" OF HORTICULTURAL GREENHOUSES. 505 The State Architect submitted a recommendation that the horticultural greenhouses should not be located on the present horticultural tract. The supervising architect stated in reply to a question t h a t it is impossible that the palmhouses which it is proposed to erect for the Department of Horticulture should be completed this year. Consideration of the recommendation made by the State Architect was accordingly postponed. A U T H O R I T Y TO APPROVE D E S I G N FOR ARMORY. I t was voted t h a t authority to approve the design for the new Armory be given to a committee consisting of the president of the Board of Trustees and the supervising architect, C A S E OF GORDON H . SOMERS. The special committee appointed at the meeting of the - Executive Committee on Av.g. 1. 1911 (page 468) to consider the report of the University Committee on Accountancy on the case of Mr. Gordon H . Somers, presented the following report: • CHICAGO, Sept. 26, 1911. To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: Your committee, to whom was referred the matter of Gordon H. Somers, public accountant, would recommend the adoption of the recommendation of the University Committee on Accountancy, namely: (1) That Mr. Gordon H. Somers he advised that his conduct in connection with the letter in question is considered by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to be incompatible with the best interests. of the profession and of the industrial and commercial interests of the State of Illinois; and (2) That Mr. Somers be further advised that a continuance of the practices complained of will be considered by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois as direct evidence of unprofessional conduct, and that in such case further action, as the circumstances seem to justify, will be taken in the case. FEED I*. HATCH, MARY E. BUSET, W. L. ABBOTT, Committee. ISTo final action was taken on this report; hut, in accordance with an informal recommendation of the University Committee on Accountancy, the secretary of the Board of Trustees was directed to inform Mr. Somers t h a t he would he given a hearing at the next meeting of the hoard, if he should care to appear. MATTERS PRESENTED BY T H E P R E S I D E N T OP T H E U N I V E R S I T Y . President James presented the following matters for consideration: