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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

466 UNIVERSITY O F - I L L I N O I S . [July 25 This recommendation was approved, and the appropriations involved, amounting to twenty-two thousand seven hundred dollars ($22,700.00) were made. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR DEAN GOODMAN. (c) A recommendation that Mr. F. M. Goodman, for twenty years professor of Botany and Materia Medica and dean of the School of Pharmacy, be granted leave of absence for the academic year 1911-12, and that Prof. W. B. Day be appointed acting dean for the academic year 1911-12. The recommendation was approved. NOTICE OF AN INJUNCTION TO PREVENT THE UNIVERSITY FROM RECEIVING APPROPRIATIONS. 12. A statement from Judge O. A. Harker, University counsel, that he had received a communication from Messrs. Ashcraft and Ashcraft, a legal firm in the city of Chicago, to the effect that certain clients of theirs intend to apply for an injunction to prevent the State Auditor and the State Treasurer from turning over to the treasurer of the University the funds appropriated to the support of the University- by the Forty-seventh General Assembly. The ground upon which this injunction is sought is that the provisions of the State Constitution relating to the passage of bills were not observed in the passage of these bills. The claim is made that while the Constitution prescribes that all bills with all amendments thereto shall be printed before they be put upon their final passage, as a matter of fact, amendments were made in the University bills in the Conference Committee, which, although reported to the respective houses, were not printed prior to the putting of the bills upon their passage. Judge O. A. Harker stated, further, that the clients of Messrs. Ashcraft ' and Ashcraft would be willing to withdraw their petition for such an injunction if the Board of Trustees of the University would pledge themselves not to use the money appropriated for the extension and maintenance of the Medical School during the coming biennium. This matter was discussed at length, but, pending the receipt of additional information, no action was taken. I t was, however, the unanimous opinion of those present t h a t the Board of Trustees could not lawfully give any such pledge. I t was also the unanimous opinion of those present t h a t even if the board could lawfully give such an assurance it ought not to do so, b u t should on the contrary proceed with the plans for the expenditure of this appropriation as if no such effort to hinder its expenditure had been made. COLLEGE OF M E D I C I N E L E A S E . I t was voted that the officers of the board who were authorized at the meeting of July 8, 1911, to sign a lease of the property of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago for the period of two years from Sept. 1, 1911, should not sign this lease until further directed by the Executive Committee of the board. The committee adjourned. W. L. ABBOTT, Chairman.
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