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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1911] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOAED OE TRUSTEES. REPAIRS IN COLLEGE OP MEDICINE. 459 5. A recommendation that the Committee on Buildings and Grounds be authorized to make such repairs and reconstructions in the buildings of the College of Medicine as may be necessary to make these buildings suitable for the coming year at a cost not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000.00.) I t was voted to approve this recommendation. HORTICULTURAL AND AGRONOMY GREENHOUSES. 6. A request from the Department of Horticulture- for authority to pro ceed with plans for the construction of additions to the greenhouse south of the Horticultural building on the Horticultural plat, for which the Fortyseventh General Assembly made an appropriation of $30,000.00. 7. A similar request from the Department of Agronomy for authority to proceed with the reconstruction of the Agronomy greenhouse, for which the Forty-seventh General Assembly made an appropriation of $9,000.00. I t was voted .that these two requests be referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds for consideration and report. The committee adjourned. W. L. ABBOTT, A. P . GROUT, ' F . L. H A T C H , C. M. McCoNisr, Clerk. ' Committee. Meeting of the Executive Committee July 14, 1911. * A meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the trustees' room, a t the University, in TJrbana, at 1:30 p. m., on the afternoon of Friday, J u l y 14, 1911. All the members of the committee were present, namely: Mr. W, L. Abbott, Mr. A. P . Grout and Mr. F . L. H a t c h ; also Mrs. Evans and Mr. Hoit, members of the board, President James, and Professor J . M. White, supervising architect. S A L E OF H O U S E S ON E N G I N E E R I N G T R A C T . President James presented the following letter from Dr. W. F . M. Goss, Dean of the College of Engineering: URBANA, I I I . , July 12, 1911. President Edmund J. James, University of Illinois: DEAR SIR—Referring to the authority given to me by the trustees with reference to a site for the Engineering building, I hereby make the following recommendations to the Executive Committee, with the request that the same be approved: 1. That I be authorized to sell the buildings now owned by the University on the site to be occupied by the new Engineering building, under the following conditions: (a) That the supervising architect prepare a description of these buildings which can be used in an advertisement.
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