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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1911] COLLEGE OF PROCEEDINGS OE THE BOARD OE TRUSTEES. 453 A G R I C U L T U R E AND AGRICULTURAL E X P E R I M E N T STATION. APPROPRIATIONS BY DEPARTMENTS. A dministration and General— From College F u n d s Salaries as recommended.. MaintenanceFrom Stations F u n d s Hatch fund. •. Adams fund (statistical) For soil maps and other publications.. For purchase of land Total. Agricultural Extension— From College F u n d s Salaries as per schedule. Maintenance Additions to faculty.... Agronomy— From College F u n d s Salaries as recommended.. Maintenance Soil biology Vacancies From Station F u n d s Soil investigations.. Crop investigations. Hatch fund From Building and Equipment Fund— Addition to agronomy greenhouse To enlarge farm mechanics building.. Equipment in farm mechanics Total. Animal Husbandry— From College F u n d s Salaries as recommended Maintenance Animal nutrition. Poultry ($5,000 less $2,000 in salary) . Vacancies and new positions From Station F u n d s Live-stock investigations. From Adams f u n d . . . . . . . . From Specimen F u n d Beef cattle Horses Sheep Swine From Building Funds— On construction of a $100,000 live-stock building. Clinic building Sheep sheds Veterinary maintenance Total. Botany— From Station F u n d s Salaries and vacancies. Maintenance $ 5,000 00 7,000 00 $12,000 00 $ 5,000 00 2,500 00 25,000 00 20,000 00 52,500 00 $64,500 00 $4,500 00 9,900 00 5,500 00 $19,900 00 $25,400 10,400 6,000 4,800 00 00 00 00 46,600 00 $65,000 00 15,000 00 2,000 00 82,000 00 $9,000 00 8,000 00 3,500 00 20,500 00 $149,100 08 $23,600 15,000 5,000 3,000 8,000 00 00 00 00 00 $54,600 00 $25,000 00 • 8,000 00 33,000 00 $ 3,500 00 10,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 $80,000 5,000 2,000 2,000 00 00 00 00 89,000 00 $192,100 00 15,500 00 $2,000 00 2,000 00 $4,000 00
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