Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

344 U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S . [April 15 General University No. Date. Warrants—Continued. For what. Amount. To whom. 1911. Bran, etc 15 J. E. Taylor 13176 Apr. J. W. Hoadley Labor... — 13177 American Harrow Co 13178 Repairs 13179 Chester Farm Co Corn 13180 J. C. Thomas. Hardware 13181 Wisconsin Lime & Cement Co Plaster 13182 Jos. T. Ryerson & Son Beams Harbison-Walker Refractories Co 13183 Cement Emerson Electric Manufacturing C o . . . . Fans 13184 13185 Stewart & Clark Manufacturing Co Speedometers 13186 H. Swannell & Son Drugs Hunter Rourke & Co 13187 Lumber 13188 John W. Stipes Stone, etc 13189 Wm. Caertner & Co Mirrors 13190 Federal Steel Fixtures Lockers 13191 G. W. Sheldon & Co • Freight, etc Tice & Lynch. 13192 13193 C. L. Parsons, secretary Journals 13194 H.W.Wilson Co . Books 13195 Engineering & Mining Journal Subscriptions 13196 Henry J. Green Psychrometer F. P. Smith Wire & Iron Works 13197 Guards 13198 Medart Patent Pulley Co Pulley P. & F. Corbin 13199 Checks !Nernst Lamp Co 13200 Glowers : 13201 Greek American Sponge Co Sponges 13202 G. A. Hosmer Co Floor wax 13203 English Bros „ Tile r 13204 Royal A. Stipes Sand •... 13205 William Price Estate Labor and materials.. 13206 Safe Cabinet Co Cabinet Harrington & King Perforating Co 13207 Perforating 13208 Hide Leather & Belting Co Belt 13209 Storrs & Harrison Co Plants Joseph Traudt 13210 13211 The Conard & Jones Co : . r do 13212 Henrv A. Dreer Seeds 13213 F. K. Robeson Merchandise 13214 R. G. Phillips Harrows 13215 E. H. Sargent & Co Drugs 13216 Florists Publishing Co Subscriptions 13217 Pantagraph Printing & Stationery Co.. Printing 13218 Albert Wuestman Repairing clock 13219 Egglestons Music Piano rent 13220 Mary S. Snyder Interest 13221 Racine Sattley Co Planter 13222 O. F. Ellis Corn 13223 .do Chicago Case Manufacturing Co . Case 13224 M.S. Yonder Hay carrier 13225 Frison Carriage Shop Repairs 13226 Longman's Green & Co. Book 13227 Automatic Electric Co Telephones 13228 Metzler & Schaffer Co Groceries 13229 Reliable Plumbing & Heating Co Plumbing goods 13230 Osgood Co Halftones. 13231 Underwood Typewriter Co Ribbons 13232 Standard Calorimeter Co Blast lamps 13233 Chester A. Harris & Co Dirt 20 H. A. Hollister 13234 Apr. Expenses 13235 Ellwood P. Cubberley Lecture 13236 T. A. Clark Expenses 13237 1 B. E. Powell 1 Pantagraph Printing & Stationery Co.. Catalogues 13238 13239 Mayer & Miller Books 13240 O. F. Hottes do 13241 Tice & Lvnch Freight, etc 13242 W. H. Galliher Express 13243 Koniglieh Preubischen Mebbild-Anstalt! Photographs 13244 E. E. Hoskins Expenses 13245 C. C. Logan .do 13246 Alfred Bergren .do 13247 W. G. Eckhardt .do 13248 C. A. Cambell .do 13249 J. B. Reed .do 13250 A. P. Gustafson do 13251 I E. W. Annable $ Cutting stencils. 20 85 7 20 1 00 26 00 103 39 10 00 8 73 35 35 18 00 13 50 18 13 3 98 97 80 8 00 342 90 6 05 11 65 1 50 5 50 5 00 10 00 139 50 7 95 12 57 169 16 47 82 10 00 2 40 10 00 11 65 55 00 5 73 16 42 3 00 1 00 4 50 28 18 20 61 38 00 40 65 1 00 9 42 1 50 16 00 300 00 29 00 1 75 16 50 22 37 3 55 1 20 27 50 20 27 28 62 30 83 3 75 45 00 70 35 24 30 200 00 69 65 13 40 2,550 00 462 40 51 40 25 17 96 38 24 10 66 37 57 47 4 32 34 18 26 59 34 86 56 23 7 75