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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

334 UNTVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S . [March 31 General University No. Date.. Warrants—Continued. For what. Amount. To whom. 1911. Wages, March, 1911. 12425 Mar. 31 Claude Harrolle 12426 ..do ..do Ralph Chaplin ..do 12427 ..do J. A. Drew 12428 ..do ..do :... Rose Hegenbart 12429 ..do Grace Linder , , ..do 12430 ..do ..do...J. E. Morgan 12431 ..do Salary, March, 1911.. H. B. Dorner 12432 ..do Covers Sturges & Burn Manufacturing Co 12433 Dust, etc Southern Illinois Penitentiary 12434 ..do Subscription Carnegie Institute of Washington 12435 ..do Supplies A. H. Barber Creamery Supply Co 12436 ..do jMounts Bradner, Smith & Co 12437 ..do Repairs L. S. Stone 12438 ..do Keys Orr & Lockett Co 12439 ..do Expenses J. H. McMurray 12440 ..do ..do A. C. Gray .• 12441 ..do Lunches University Club 12442 ..do Paper Whitaker Paper Co 12443 ..do Labor English Bros 12444 ..do Burners Wm. M. Crane Co * 12445 ..do Switches, etc Electric Appliance Co 12446 ..do Tube Wilson Maeulen Co 12447 ..do Apparatus James G. Biddle 12448 ..do Specimens Marine Biological Laboratory. 12449 ..do Corks Illinois Glass Co 12450 ..do Telegrams Chas. F. Mason, Bursar 1 12451 ..do Hulting & Son . . . ; — Corn 12452 ..do ..do • A. A. Bjelland 12453 ..do Halftone.... Stafford Engraving Co 12454 ...do Printing Carbondale Printing Co 12455 ..do Book. The Keefe Davidson Co 12456 ...do Binding stubs Feldmann System Manufacturing Co 12457 ..do Printing.-. J. B. Lyon Co 12458 ..do Masks, etc A. G. Spalding & Bros. 12459 ..do Lumber S. E. Huff&Co 12460 ..do Ribbons KeeLox Co 12461 ..do Apparatus Spencers Lens Co 12462 ..do Merchandise........ Max Meyer 12463 ..do Ice Twin City Ice & Cold Storage Co 12464 ..do Apparatus C. H. StoeltingCo.. 12465 ..do Pulls Lussky, White & Coolidge 12466 ..do Letters, e t c . . . . ' Dennison Manufacturing Co 12467 ..do Specimens E. Bartholomew 12468 ..do Pails American Can Co 12469 ..do Ribbons Yawman & Erbe 12470 ..do Advertising Western Society of Engineers 12471 ..do Shells Wm. J. Gerhardt 12472 ..do Books H. W. Wilson Co 12473 ..do National Conference of Charities & Cor12474 ..do National Geographical Society 12475 -.do Irwin Shepard, Secretary 12476 ..do American Journal of Science 12477 ..do P. Adams , 12478 ..do L. Wolff Manufacturing Co 12479 ..do..... Tanner & Co 12480 ..do Falls Clutch & Machinery Co 12481 ..do Ideal Machinery Co 12482 ..do Montgomery Ward & Co 12483 ..do Holophane Co 12484 ..do Quaker City Machine Co 12485 ..do Rundle Spence Manufacturing Co 1 12486 ..do |Federal Steele Fixture Co 12487 ..do Western Kieley Steam Specialty Co 12488 ..do Wadsworth Howland Co 12489 ..do Lewis M. Ellison 12490 ..do Fort Wayne Electric Works •12491 -.do Twin Cities Coal & Coke Co 12492 -.do Green Engineering Co 12493 ..do Whiting Paper Co 12494 ..do J, Edw. Quinn & Co: 12495 ..do Crane Co 12496 ..do American Blower Co 12497 ..do J. W. Kirkpatrick 12498 ..do Hammacher, Schlemmer & Co' '. 12499 ..do Lemcke & Buechner Co S 40 00 40 00 70 00 65 00 60 00 15 00 150 00 18 75 91 00 4 50 12 59 5 25 2 50 4 85 3 50 7 56 7 50 16 00 3 15 14 00 19 21 2 50 93 25 17 25 21 18 9 48 6 50 5 00 3 75 13 00 6 50 32 40 15 00 13 09 2 85 17 00 411 51 48 06 8 00 13 65 . 3 27 7 91 12 95 3 13 1 03 30 00 8 50 2 00 1 60 2 00 2 00 1 00 8 00 1 25 12 35 37 64 3 90 8 30 4 50 87 05 4 00 51 50 3 82 4 05 7 00 14 03 8 00 8 80 134 00 18 00 2 42 37 50 149 81 3 71 2 75 rection Book Dues Book Index Hauling Basin cock Tongs, etc Apparatus Lavatory Tanks Supplies Lifters Tubing Shelving Repairs Enamel : Gage Lamp parts Coal Shields, etc Paper Ribbons Hardware. Fan and motor. Coal Rocks Books
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