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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

322 U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S . [March 8 General University No. Date. To whom. Warrants—Continued. For what. Amount. 1911. 11515 Mar. 8 D. H. Carnahan. Bills paid 11516 ..do J. H. Frazier Wages, February, 1911. 11517 ..do Chas. Hill ..do ; 11518 ..do P. S. Campbell.. Printing 11519 Mar. 9 P. E. Karraker.. Expenses 11520 ..do O. S. Fisher do... 11521 ..do...... F. W. Gault • do.... 11522 ..do J. L. Edmonds.. do 11523 ..do Wm. Dietrich... do 11524 ..do E. L. Dillon do 11525 ..do A. S. Ambrose.. do 11526 ..do A. F. Krueger... do 11527 ..do H. A. DeWerff. do 11528 ..do Newark Public Library Library forms 11529 ..do American Short Horn Breeders Assn Recording 11530 ..do R. A. Graham Lecture.... 11531 ..do J. C. B. Heaton Apples 11532 ..do..... W. H. Poff do — 11533 ..do Eugene Zeppenfeld Labor 11534 ..do Spencer Lens Co Camera, etc 11535 ..do..... Ethel Berlin Services 11536 ..do B. F. Parks Hay 11537 ..do George Conover Rent, e t c . . . 11538 ..do V. R. Barnes : Wages, February, 1911. 11539 Mar. 11 W. L. Abbott Expenses 11540 ..do Tilden Saw Co Rental 11541 ..do Supplies The Miller Harness Co 11542 ..do J. G. Cherry Co Churn 11543 ..do West Publishing Co Books 31544 ..do Midland Linseed Co Oil m e a l . . . . 11545 ..do U. S. Blue Print Co , Paper 11546 ..do John Ruhnij Jr Phosphate 11547 ..do American Library Bindery Binder 11548 ..do Dwight Lincoln, secretary Recording 31549 ..do Beers & Clinenbeard Premium 11550 ..do..... Underwood Typewriter Co Rental , 11551 ..do Weston Electric Instrument Co Pointers 11552 ..do V. S. Powers Specimens 11553 ..do Packing The Noonan-Kocian Co 11554 ..do Edward Pennock '. Cover glasses. 11555 ..do Munhall Printing House Printing 11556 ..do Susannah Usher , Groceries bought 11557 ..do Rental of spoons Harris Ice Cream Co 11558 ..do Photo supplies.. .• Cunningham Bros 11559 ..do Ribbons American Multigraph Co 11560 ..do U. S. Bottler"Supply Co 11561 ..do Expenses W. R. Roberts 11562 ..do Coal Electric Coal Co 11563 ..do Books Geo. P. Garrison 11564 ..do Book Clarenpe S. Paine 11565 ..do ..do..... John Wiley & Sons 11566 ..do American Leather Chemists Association Dues 11567 ..do Beams Jos. T. Ryerson & Son Glass 11568 ..do Pittsburg Plate Glass Co 11569 ..do Enamel Wadsworth-Howland Co Printing, etc 11570 ..do Urbana Courier Co 11571 ..do Book cases Percival & Moorehead 11572 ..do Meter Pittsburg Meter Co 11573 ..do Books Exporters Encyclopedia Co 11574 ..do Metal work 1 Chas. Mollett...., Board and room 11575 ..do.....|Beardsley Hotel C o . . . 11576 ..do University of Illinois Supply Store Supplies 11577 ..do Ice IT win City Ice & Cold Storage Co Furniture, e t c . . . . 11578 ..do Walker «fc Mulliken Plumbing supplies. 11579 Jas. B. Clow & Sons Cans, etc 11580 ..do T. J. Colvin 11581 ..do Central Electric Co,, •. , Electric supplies... 11582 ..do..... Pantagraph Printing & Stationery Co... Printing 11583 ..do Bennett's Newspaper & Magazine Agency ISubscriptions F. K. Robeson 11584 ..do Dry goods Spalding & Quirk Drugs, etc 11585 ..do Publications 11586 ..do Bureau of Municipal Research ~ Dry goods. 11587 ..do..... G. C. Willis Paper, etc . 11588 ..do..... Crescent Paper Co 11589 ..do Plumbing supplies. Reliable Plumbing & Heating Co Expenses... 11590 Mar. is'F. L. Hatch $ 1 1 5 00 58 45 86 40 41 60 3 70 17 75 25 30 6 62 7 50 16 36 19 13 23 99 23 70 1 19 1 25 10 00 6 00 6 00 23 10 95 40 15 00 20 64 91 60 72 45 188 85 1 20 10 90 32 50 16 25 70 00 20 25 96 57 1 10 1 20 10 00 3 00 5 74 8 20 5 50 17 33 3 75 1 25 1 55 97 25 17 05 1 68 7 54 46 38 50 00 2 00 1 34 5 00 52 45 60 38 4 05 10 00 208 00 45 03 10 00 81 90 21 75 133 29 8 28 74 55 16 02 3 90 23 04 129 37 11 60 114 17 3 55 3 10 38 17 24 73 94 00 78 38 1
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