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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

164 . UNIVERSITY OP ILLINOIS. [June 22 PAPER L—RECEIPTS AND REMITTANCES OF THE CHIEF CLERK FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDING MAR. 31, 1911. March 31,1911. Balance December 31,1910 Academy fees Academy laboratory. Accountancy Agricultural College Applied mechanics laboratory Architectural department , Blue print department Botany laboratory. Buildings and grounds Ceramics... ....; Chemistry. Civil engineering department Crop experiment receipts Dairy investigation receipts. Electrical engineering laboratory Entomology Feeding experiment receipts Geology laboratory General engineering drawing department Heat and light Household science department.... Incidentals Lockers. Mechanical engineering department Music, School of Philology, Journal of Physics laboratory. Physiology laboratory Psychology laboratory., 1 Railway engineering department Edward Snyder fund interest Edward Snyder fund principal Soil examination receipts United States Agrl. Expt. Sta. (Adams fund).. Uuited States Agrl. Expt. Sta. (Hatch fund).. University fees Water Survey receipts Zoology laboratory $ 3,710 00 227 50 31 76 12;697 93 577 39 394 00 758 59 811 25 84 53 65 00 974 56 321 00 025 .68 198 50 800 00 99 00 366 05 186 75 328 00 65 55 327 85 1 25 329 50 509 93 146 50 413 70 899 00 83.18 139 27 95 00 244 71 896 25 ,271 81 49 18 16 ,662 436 516 60 00 67 50 1911. Jan. 9 Feb. 13 Feb. 17 Feb. 25 Mar. 18 REMITTANCES TO H . A. H A U G A N , TREASURER, etc Chicago draft,,etc Chicago draft. Chicago draft. Chicago draft. Chicago draft arch 31,1911 $ 565 48 20,000 00 20,000 00 20,000 00 10,000 00 $70,565.48 14,665 20 . $85,230 68 The president of the University presented the following additional matters for consideration : PAVING SOUTH FOURTH STREET. 1. A communication from Mr. Carl J. Hayes, city engineer of Champaign, asking the University to join in the request for the paving of South Fourth street in the city of Champaign, from the north line of Davidson street south to the corporation line, 1,260 linear feet; the width of the pavement to be twenty-seven feet between the back faces of the curbs; the surface of the pavement to be of paving brick, with the interstices filled with asphalt filler; the approximate cost to be $9,900.00; this estimate including the cost of concrete bases, combined concrete curb and gutter, turnouts, drainage, and appurtenances. N"'o action was taken on this request.
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