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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOAED OF TRUSTEES. 63 Forenoon Session of January 23, 1907. When the board met pursuant to the adjournment the same members were present as Tuesday afternoon except Mr. Abbott. ADDITIONAL MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT JAMES. TELEPHONE PAY STATIONS. 3. The following letter from Professor Morgan Brooks in regard to erecting telephone pay stations in the hallways of the several University buildings was presented: U R B A N A , I I I . , January 16,1907. President Edmund J% James, University of Illinois: D E A R S I R — T h i s afternoon Mr. U p h a m , manager of the local office of the Central Union T e l e p h o n e Co., spoke to me about the possible erection of t e l e p h o n e pay stations in proper foooths in the hallways of the several University buildings, saying - that his c o m p a n y was ready t o do this in every important building on the campus, if permitted. Some time ago I urged upon the attention of the previous Central Union Co. manager the advisability of doing this very t h i n g , but without response. Such facilities, assuming that a 5-cent rate would be given in the twin cities, and regular rates for toll messages, would, 1 believe be appreciated by the students, although I am not prepared to say that the results would be very satisfactory to the t e l e p h o n e c o m p a n y . However,.* t h e y ask n o guaranty at all, and I desire through you to ask the board of trustees to permit the experiment to be tried, there bei n g no e x p e n s e to the University. I think it m i g h t be possible to obtain some free service for strictly University business over such phones, which would be of some utility especially in such buildings as the Law Building;, where there is now no Bell connection. I understand t h a t the c o m p a n y would like permission to place the booths where they would be conveniently accessible to t h e students at all hours. If the matter is placed in m y charge, I will consult t h e custodian of each building to be •equipped as to the proper location of a booth. Yours very truly, MORGAN BROOKS, Professor of Electrical Engineering. The communication was referred with power to act to a committee consisting of the chairman of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, Vice President Burrill, Professor Morgan Brooks and in general of each building in which it is proposed to place such a telephone, the curator of the building. CHEMISTRY OF FLESH. 4. A s t a t e m e n t in r e g a r d t o t h e r e s e a r c h w o r k of Professor H. S. G-rindley. Voted that until further notice the sum of $2,000 per annum be appropriated from the funds of the Agricultural. Experiment Station towards Professor Grrindley's experiments in the chemistry of flesh. Voted further that until further notice an additional sum of $2,000 per annum be appropriated for the same purpose from the funds assigned to the maintenance of the chemical laboratory.
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