Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

60 UNIVEES1TY 0¥ ILLINOIS. [Jan. 22 Meeting of January 22, 1907. A special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held at the University in Urbana, Jan. 22, 1907, pursuant to the following notice which was sent out by the secretary Jan. 11, 1907: Upon the call of Mr. S. A. Bullard, president of the board, there will be a meeting Of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Tuesday, Jan. 22, 1907, at 9:00 o'clock a. m., in the Library building at the University, for the purpose of considering legislative askings, communications from the president, and any other business which may be duly presented. When the board met pursuant to this call the following members were present: Messrs. Abbott, Blair, Bullard, Davison, Kerrick, Lehman and Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Busey. A b s e n t Governor Deneen and Messrs. McLean and Madden. President James was present. MATTEKS PEESENTED BY PRESIDENT JAMES. 1. A letter from Dean White relating to the phraseology of the item in the general appropriation bill referring to the Engineering College and Experiment Station. During the discussion which followed, a committee from the Champaign Commercial Club was heard with regard to the postoffice designation of the University. Afterwards Dean White and Professor Breckenridge were heard as to the item in question. Mr. Abbott moved to change this item so as to read the same as in the appropriation bill of 1905. Mr. Lehman moved to amend by leaving the phraseology the same as approved at the December meeting of the board and increasing the amount of the appropriation to the amount of $150,000.00 per annum. The board took a recess until 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon. Afternoon Session of January 22, 1907. When the board met after the recess, the same members were present as in the morning except Mr. Blair.