Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1906] PEOCEEDINGS.OF THE BOAED OF TEU.STEES. 59 CHICAGO, December 11, 1906. To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. Your Committee on Students' Welfare reports that it has consulted with Professor Bartow with regard to the water supply at the University, the city water supply, and to some extent the water in wells from which drinking water is obtained. Professor Bartow states that as the result of careful analysis, made by him, the water in all cases has been found of a satisfactory degree of purity. OPENING OF LIBRARY SUNDAY AFTERNOONS. Your committee recommends, after consulting- with Miss Sharp, head librarian, that the University Library be open in accordance with the following regulations: 1. That the University Library be open every Sunday afternoon from 2:00 to 6:00 during the University year. 2. That the books be drawn from the stack for use in the library only. 3. That reserve books be allowed to remain out over Sunday. 4. That periodicals be not allowed to remain out over Sunday. 5. That fifty cents an hour be paid for the Sunday service of attendants. OPENING SOCIAL ROOMS IN WOMAN'S HALL SUNDAY AFTERNOONS. Your committee has had so little time to consider the proposed revision of rules with regard to Woman's Hall that we do not feel ready to pass upon the whole, and ask for further time, but we do approve and recommend that the board approve this provision with regard to opening the rooms for social purposes during certain hours Sunday afternoon, as follows: If provision can be made for an attendant, we recommend the opening of the club rooms to women students only on Sunday afternoon from 2:00 to 6:00. Respectfully submitted, MARY E. BUSEY, Chairman of Committee. T h e board adjourned. W . L. PlLLSBUEY, Secretary. S. A. BULLAED, President.