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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

PROCEEDINGS OP THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. EXHIBIT C—RECONCILEMENT OF CASH BOOK BALANCE TO CLOSE OF BUSINESS S E P T . 19, 1906 ( E N D O F A U D I T ) . 53 Balance as per cash book of E. O. Staples, chief clerk, J u n e 30, 1906 Sundry cash book receipts July, 1906 Sundry cash book receipts August, 1906 Sundry cash book receipts Sept. 1 to 19, inclusive, 1906 Paid to Mr. H . A. Haug'an, treasurer, during J u l y , 1906. Paid to Mr. H . H a u g a n , treasurer, during August, 1906.. $192,062 51 41,179 50| 1,687 57i $ 13,332 15 234,629 58 $248,261 73 238,086 68 $10,176 05 $195,018 26 43,067 42 $2,737 03! 10,383 671 $13,120 70 977 51 $12,143 19 1,322 03 $13,465 22 2,970 61 Bank balance shown on pass book August 15,1906. Deposits A u g . 15 to Sept. 19,1906 ; Less checks drawn A u g . 15 to Sept. 19,1906.. Currency on hand at close of business Sept. 19,1906, $1,057 20 Bills paid, tickets in drawer 264 831 Less a m o u n t owing students (held on deposit) Cash over $10,504 61 $328 56 E X H I B I T D — R E C O N C I L E M E N T O F B A L A N C E O F H. A. H A U G A N , TREASURER. Mr. Haugan 's Books Show Balance on Hand January 1, 1906— Geneaal fund School of Pharmacy College of Medicine Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t Station Receipts January 1 to Jttne 1, 1906— . General fund School of P h a r m a c y . . . . . . College of M edicine . Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t Station $310,847 3,232 5,060 4,749 $409,830 5,854 56,162 8,006 19 96 09 03 83 10 66 99 $323,889 27 479,854 85 $803,743 85 Warrants Paid January 1 to Jtine 30, 1906— General fund School of Pharmacy College of Medicine r Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t Station Balance J u n e 30, 1906 General fund School of Pharmacy College of Medicine Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t Station ; ., ' $458,570 8,883 50,911 7,951 55 46 87 30 526,317 18 $277,426 67 : - $262,107 47 203 60 10,310 88 4,804 72
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