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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

IXDEX. 739 PAGE. Business Office, organization 406 By-laws> of Board of Trustees, revision 414 Cadet uniforms, bids received and contract, 1907 112, 138 Calhoun, Helen V., appointed order assistant in library 148 Calvin, J. W., appointed assistant in chemistry in Agricultural Experiment Station I 498 Carnegie Foundation open to state universities 448, 449 Carpenter, F. W., appointed instructor in zoology 147 Made associate in zoology 514 Carscallen, G. E., appointed assistant in mathematics 151 Carter, L. H., circumstances of his death : 369 Casper, S., appointed instructor in foundry * 146 Center, O. D,, appointed instructor in crop production in College of Agriculture and first assistant in same in Agricultural Experiment Station 148 Central Union Telephone Co., contract with 80 Ceramics, origin of, see Lunettes. Certificates to teach 131, 472 C. P. A. Board of Examiners, members appointed 61, 90, 138, 496 C. P. A. Committee reports 137, 496, 510 C. P. A. diplomas granted 72, 137, 496 Revocation of diploma 419, 46£>, 510 C. P. A. law, change in 110 Interpretation of waiver clause 65 Interpretation of "place of business" 66 C. P. A. regulations amended , 65, 137 Champaign Chamber of Commerce asks for access to names of students.' parents * 2 Asks to have official address of University Urbana-Champaign 2 Chapin, W. S., appointed clinical 1 assistant in physiological chemistry . . . . . . . 442 Chase, W. A., appointed on Board of Examiners in accountancy 496 Chemicals, authority to order 438 Chemistry of flesh, investigation 63 Chiles, J. A., appointed instructor in German 146 Civil engineering department, administration 1908-9 492 Clark, C. R., appointed associate in architecture 455 Clark, Mary H., appointed catalog reviser in library school 443 Clark, S. C , appointed instructor in chemistry 147 Clark, Professor T. A., appointed Dean of Undergraduates 7 142, 452 Clark, W. A., appointed instructor in physiology 147 Class of 1908 memorial 395, 424, 4§5 Clay, Marcia B., appointed assistant in library . < 103 s Coal contracts, 1906-7, 25; 1907-8, 161, 172, 387; 1908-9 511 Coffey, W. C , appointed associate in sheep husbandry in College of Agriculture and first assistant in same in Agricultural Experiment Station 145 Cole, J. A., appointed superintendent of construction on physics and natural history buildings 512 Coleman, C. B., appointed assistant in dairy husbandry in University and assistant in same in Agricultural Experiment Station 151 Made instructor in same in College of Agriculture and first assistant in same in Agricultural Experiment Station 457 College of Agriculture, funds assigned, 1907-8, 155; 1908-9 492, 493 Powers of Advisory Committees 160 College of Dentistry, budget, 1907-8, 153; 1908-9 491 Degrees conferred, 1907, 105, 114; £908 464 Faculty of XXI College of Engineering and Engineering Experiment Station, funds assigned. 158, 459 College of Medicine, budget, 1907-8, 136; 1908-9 490 Degrees conferred, 1907, 113; 1908 473 Faculty of XVII Financial statement, 1906-7, 112; 1907-8 513 Purchases for 24 College of Physicians and Surgeons, report by President Steele of list of stockholders and stock holds and as treasurer for 1905-6 and 1906-7 124 Terminating contract with * 45, 46, 49, 50 College of Veterinary Science 46, 50, 381 Collins, Vida K, appointed assistant in English 501 Colvin, S. S., made professor of psychology 144 Made Acting Director of School of Education 392 Commissions in Illinois National Guard 131, 473 Committee reports, form and signatures 366 Committees, standing, see Standing Committees. Comptroller, see Shattuck, Professor S. W. Condemnation of land 72 Conrey, G., appointed graduate assistant in chemistry 502 Cook, F. !#., appointed instructor in military science 149 Cook, Dr. G. W., appointed Dean of the College of Dentistry _._..: 144 Cook, J. B., appointed assistant in forge shop 368 Cooke, A. B., appointed assistant in mechanical engineering in Engineering Experiment Station 147
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