Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1908] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 731 College of Medicine Warrants—CocntiimecL No. Date. To Whom. For What. Amount. 1908 Advertising 31 T h e Schoolmaster 927 Mar. . .do 928 Lord & T h o m a s . 929 Brewster Dental Supply Co .. Dental supplies 930 H i g h School Life Advertising 931 932 Chicago Towel Supply Co ... 933 S. S. White Dental Mfg. Co .. 934 Blue Island Specialty Co Elgin Dental Mfg. Co 935 Consolidated Dental Mfg. Co Advertising 936 Service 937 Advertising Frink & Y o u n g Co 938 Lumber 939 April 10 Western L u m b e r C o . . ' Rent, April, 1908 Langdon Estate 940 H u g h Bradshaw T a n k repairs 941 H.F.Bremer Iron work 942 Labor H. W . Cole 943 R. C. McCormick 944 945 E n g i n e repairs 946 . . d o . . . . E . Puttkammer Coal E d w . Hair Hauling 947 948 Coal W. C. L u h n o w Coal Co Illinois State Reformatory.... Advertising 949 T h e Plexus 950 .. do 951 American Medical Publishing Co 952 Consolidated Dental Mfg.Co. . do . do 953 High School Life 954 Western Bank Note and E n Diplomas graving Co H a n g frames 955 . . d o . . . . . . . . F . M. Lawrence & Co 956 Almquist Express Co Laundry work 957 Goodhart's L a u n d r y 958 Service 959 Chicago Towel Supply C o . . . . Washing towels Disc 960 .do W . H . Salisbury & Co 961 Seabury & J o h n s o n 962 Peter & Burns Animals Rabbits 963 Fred Kaempfer Drugs 964 Parke, Davis & Co 965 Marshall Field & Co 966 Drugs Fuller & Fuller Co 967 Overland Pattern & Machine Repairs Works 968 .do Alloy 969 Stamps 970 E. Y. Horder Wm.J.Maas Hardware 971 Turtles 972 B. F . McGurdy 973 Gowns, etc J o h n H . Drake Co 974 H . Ahrens Drugs 975 Fuller & Fuller Co Salary, April, 1908 976 April 30 H . O. White 977 Maxmilian Kuzink 978 .do H . E . Santee ; 979 .do G e o . P . Dreyer 980 H . 13. W e n t z W . A . Evans 981 982 .do C. C. O'Byrne 983 Adolph Gehrmann 984 Bernard Fantus 985 E d w . L . Heintz 986 J e a n M . Cooke 987 F . E. W y n e k o o p 988 Rachelle S. Yarros 989 F . B. Earle 990 . do W . H . Browne 991 Elizabeth M . Heelan .do : 992 .do Meeta M . Loomis do 993 F . L . Townslev 994 E . J . Danek 995 Bessie Newman 996 Elizabeth Bentele . do 997 Margaret Vaughan do 998 do Josephine Allen do . do 999' $ 10 80 35 00 18 75 4 95 33 C O 43 26 175 43 59 93 2 25 12 00 21 34 13 98 2 38 19 00 9 35 29 91 28 70 17 50 8 60 247 99 10 75 359 39 6 70 56 25 3 00 30 75 33 00 205 00 3 00 2 25 50 92 22 48 48 58 1 00 107 96 19 80 8 70 37 74 95 15 155 52 1 35 7 50 103 80 1 00 11 01 9 00 18 35 4 12 2 40 75 00 25 00 37 50 250 00 75 00 150 00 75 00 100 00 87 50 31 25 100 00 187 50 50 00 100 00 166 67 60 00 60 00 40 00 40 0Q 25 00 ?0 00 60 00 40 00 55 00 '.