Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1908] PROCEEDINGS OF TEE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, 727 College of Medicine Warrants—Continued. No. Date. To Whom. For What. Amount. 1908 20 Cameron, Amberg & Co 626 Jan. 627 H. Ahrens 628 B. V. McCurcly 629 Parke, Davis & Co 630 Fuller & Fuller Co Sharp & Smith 631 632 V. Mueller & Co 633 A. H. Andrews Co 634 Goodhart's Laundry 635 636 Lord & T h o m a s Chicago Towel Supply Co ... 637 S. S. White Dental Mfg. Co .. 638 639 Chicago T e l e p h o n e Co 640 American Educational Assn.. 641 Chicago Medical Book C o . . . . 642 T h e Plexus H . J. W a y m a n 613 644 Blue Island Specialty Co Hamblin P l u m b i n g Co 645 H i g h School Life 646 647 Consolidated Dental Mfg. Co. 648 H. M. Hooker Co H. W . Cole 649 Western L u m b e r Co 650 Fuller & Fuller Co 651 652 Sharp & D o h m e 653 Chicago Label & P o x Co Shawmut Market Co 654 J o h n L. Porter 655 656 Marshall Field & Co Brooksbanks Bros 657 Seabury & J o h n s o n 658 A. C. McClurg & Co 659 West Side Hospital 660 Western Union Telegraph Co 661 . . d o . . : 662 . . d o . . . Sibley Dental Supply Co 663 Frink & Young Edwin Hair 664 665 Harry O. White Maxmilian Kusnik 666 667 H. E. Santee 668 Geo. P . Dreyer 669 H. B. Wenfc^ 670 W. R. Evans 671 C. C. O'Byrne 672 Adolph Gehrmann 673 Bernard F a n t u s 674 E. L. Heintz 675 J e a n M. Cooke 676 F . E. W y n e k o o p 677 Rachelle Yarros 678 Frank B. Earle W m . H . Browne 679 680 Elizabeth M. Heelan Metta M. L o o m i s 681 682 F . L. Townsley 683 Eric J . Danek 684 685 Elizabeth Bentels 686 Margaret Vaughan 687 Eric Froberg 688 689 .do J a m e s Southwell 690 Nellie E. Dart 691 692 Otto W o g l a s k y . . . . Geo. Harrison 693 694 695 H. W . Cole 696 697 698 699 700 Eshoo Benjamin 701 J a n . 31 Printing Groceries Frogs Drugs . .do Repairing table Repairing apparatus Repairing chairs Washing Services Advertising Clean towels Dental supplies Services Advertising Covers Advertising Supplies Plumbing Advertising Dental supplies Building repairs Drugs Chemical Labels Fish Felt Bats, etc Iron plates, etc Adhesive cloth Crayon Board and rent T i m e Service Teeth Hauling Salary, January, 1908 . .do ,.do' .do $ 7 25 32 26 2 00 21 68 25 99 4 00 3 70 24 00 40 64 1 54 18 75 41 26 143 24 20 34 25 00 4 10 56 25 3 00 37 15 14 20 6 00 133 37 4 71 28 30 2 60 78 66 3 14 13 60 3 30 2 25 15 96 1 75 14 40 * 3 60 145 00 24 00 11 80 IS 98 15 00 75 00 25 00 37 50 250 00 75 00 150 00 75 00 100 00 87 50 31 25 1C0 00 187 50 50 00 100 00 166 67 60 00 60 00 40 00 40 00 25 00 . 30 00 60 00 40 00 55 00 100 C O 60 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 65 00 40 00 40 00 40 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 30 00