Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1908] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 725 College of Medicine Warrants—Comtinued. No. Date. To Whom. F o r What. Amount. 1907 Office supplies 477 Nov. 30 A. C. McClurg & C o Printing 478 Illinois State Reformatory Embossing 479 Marshall-Jackson Co 480 Win. J. Mass Repair telephones 481 482 Monahan Antiseptic 'Co 483 H. Ahrens Goodharts L a u n d r y 484 485 Almquist Express Co Chicago Towel Supply C o . . . Towel supplies 486 487 T h e Shavings & Sawdust C o . Sawdust Laboratory rebate 488 Bowls 489 Advertising 490 Chicago Record-Herald 491 . .do Frank & Young Co Consolidated Dental Mfg. Co. S. S. White Dental Mfg. C o . . Alloy Rent, December, 1907 495 Dec. 20 Langdon Estate 496 Glass H. M. Hooker Co Iron work 497 H. F . Bremer 498 H. W . Cole R . C . McCormick 499 500 Coal W. C. L u h n o w Coal Co 501 E. Puttkammer -502 Physicians Supply & Drug Co Supplies Cloth 503 Marshall Field & Co 501 M icrotome H.O.White Seabury & J o h n s o n Silk 505 T h e J o h n H. Drake Co Instruments " 506 507 V. Mueller & Co 508 Drugs Fuller & Fuller Co Animal for laboratory 509 510 H. Ahrens Chemicals 511 512 Books W m . H. Guild & C o . . .. Laundry work 513 Goodhart's Laundry 514 Edwin H air , 515 Chicago Towel Supply C o . . . T o w e l supplies T h e Fair 516 . d o Office supplies 517 W m . J. Maas Hardware 518 Almquist Express Co Advertising 519 H i g h School Life 520 American Medicine Publishing Co 521 Illinois State Reformatory.... Printing 522 Board and rooms T h e West Side Hospital Advertising 523 Frink & Y o u n g Co 524 Dental supplies 525 . . d o . . . . : . . . Chicago Medical Book C o . . . . Office supplies 526 Ritter Dental Supply H o u s e . . R epairing chairs 527 Hamblin P l u m b i n g Co 5«>8 Consolidated Dental Mfg. Co. Dental supplies S. S. White Dental Mfg. Co Dr. Bender & Dr. H o b e i n . . . . Supplies Forwarding charges 531 Pitt & Scott 532 Dec. Binding 31 Louis L i p p m a n 533 Hensel Electric Construction Co 534 Assessment 535 Advertising E . J . B r o w n , treasurer 536 Surgical Publishing Co. of Chicago 537 Supplies T h e Brewster Dental Co Labor and material 538 H. F . Bremer 1908 Salary, December, 1907 539 J a n . 1 Harry O. White 540 Maxmilian Kuznik 541 H. E. Santee 542 1 George P. Dreyer 543 H . D . Wentz -544 W. A. Evans '. 545 IC. C. O'Byrne 546 .do Adolph G e h r m a n n 547 Bernard Fantus . .do 548 .549 $ 1 75 25 20 12 00 10 70 5 75 25 83 3 93 60 37 3 08 42 98 6 00 30 00 25 00 1 33 13 98 12 00 214 19 7 50 19 00 6 90 73 20 55 80 19 80 408 05 102 85 1 15 8 88 35 00 13 50 26 70 16 55 60 05 4 65 1 17 12 50 200 25 56 35 12 00 40 88 3 30 20 10 6 54 33 00 9 00 13 80 79 75 13 98 3 44 3 30 7 00 8 25 15 40 110 46 1,452 58 116 80 7 25 40 00 125 00 23 34 22 50 48 74 7 70 75 00 25 00 37 50 250 00 75 00 150 00 75 00 100 00 87 50 31 25 100 00 III 11 r • * 1