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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

716 UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS. [Jan. 31 School of Pharmacy No. Date. To Whom. Warrants—Continued. F o r What. m Amount. 1907 115 N o v . 12 Stebbins Hardware Co 116 ..do J o h n M. Weltir 117 ..do 118 ..do Illinois & Eastern Coal Co ... 119 ..do Illinois State Penitentiary Ernst Leitz 120 ..do 121 ..do Fuller & Fuller Co 122 ..do General Chemical Co 123 ..do Bausch & L o m b Optical Co .. 124 ..do Siegel Cooper & Co 125 ..do Morrison, P l u m m e r & Co — 126 ..do E. H . Sargent & Co 127 ..do E. H. Colegrove Co 128 ..do Pharmaceutical Review P u b - Hardware Sign Coal Chairs Repair apparatus Laboratory supplies . .do Supplies Drugs Laboratory supplies Books $ 6 36 6 50 31 75 36 23 133 50 3 50 191 19 9 26 248 90 14 43 9 12 88 95 44 91 15 00 15 00 4 00 5 98 1 50 3 00 3 45 16 00 180 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 65 00 75 00 45 00 416 66 104 06 155 00 1 21 78 93 2 40 102 62 32 94 7 20 106 00 5 75 1 65 1 75 2 27 180 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 65 00 45 00 75 00 416 66 100 92 10 25 3 96 91 44 11 62 57 75 3 75 3 38 6 00 18 75 4 00 20 45 2 85 3 50 3 00 180 00 50 00 • 50 00 50 00 65 00 45 00 Sprinkling 129 .do T. P. Brankin 130 ..do Office supplies 13] ..do M. A. D o n o h u e & Co , .do 132 ..do Chas. A. F o y e r & Co Carbon paper 133 ..do Western Union Telegraph Co T i m e service 134 ..do Illinois State Reformatory Printing 135 ..do Mandel Bros Dry goods 136 Nov. 30 W. B. Day Salary, November, 1907 137 ..do E. N. Gathercoal . .do 138 . . d o . . . . ' . . . . C. M. Snow ..do 139 ..do A. H. Clark ,.do.f 140 ..do H. H . R o g e r s ..do 141 ..do Rudolph Meseck ..do 142 .do E. J. Smith ..do 143 ..do Hattie Erickson ..do 144 ..do Rent, December, 1907 145 Dec. 20 W . B. Day, actuary Expenses 146 ..do Iron work A. Bolters Sons 147 ..do H e n r y Bosch Co Paint 148 ..do Illinois & Eastern Coal Co ... Coal 149 Pontiac Engraving and P u b Engraving lishing Co 150 ..do Drugs Fuller & Fuller Co 151 ..do Laboratory supplies E. H. Sargent & Co 152 ..do Bausch & L o m b Optical Co .. . d o 153 ..do Ernst Leitz Microscopes 154 ..do Paper '. M. A. D o n o h u e & Co 155 ..do Siegel Cooper & Co Duster, etc 156 ..do Ink Neostyle Co 157 ..do Hardware Stebbins Hardware Co 158 Dec. 31 W . B . D a y Salary, December, 1907 159 ..do E. N. Gather oal '. . .do 160 ..do C. M. Snow ..do 161 ..do A. H . C l a r k ..do 162 ..do H . H . Rogers ..do 163 ..do Rudolph Meseck ..do 164 ..do Hattie Erickson ..do 165 ..do E. J . Smith ..do 166 ..do Rent, January, 1908 1908 167 J a n . Bills paid 10 W. B. Day, actuary 168 .do Plumbing J a m e s L. Dolan 169 ..do H e n r y Bosch Co 170 ..do Illinois & Eastern Coal Co ... Coal 171 ..do L. L. Losey ..do 172 ..do Drugs Fuller & Fuller Co 173 ..do E. H . Sargent & Co Laboratory supplies 174 ..do Chemicals 175 ..do American Druggist Publishing Co Advertising 176 ..do T h e Plexus . .do 177 ..do Neostyle Co Ink 178 ..do M. A. D o n o h u e & Co Paper 179 ..do Illinois State Reformatory Printing 180 ..do Ribbons Oliver Typewriter Co 181 ..do 182 J a n . 31 W . B . D a y Salary, January, 1908 183 ..do E. N . Gathercoal ..do 184 ..do C. M. Snow ..do 185 ..do A.H.Clark ..do 186 ..do R. Meseck ..do 187 .do eo oo
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