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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1906] PEOOEEDINGS OF THE BOAED OF TEUSTEES. 47 separate certified copies of. such resolutions. The certificate for ten shares preferred stock is No. 1724, and for the six shares common stock, No. 1551, both being in favor of Helge A. Haugan, Treasurer, Board of Trustees, University of Illinois. Yours very truly, H. A. HAUGAN, Treasurer. In accordance with the request made by Mr. Haugan for authority to endorse the certificates of stock, your committee recommends the passage of the following resolution: Resolved, that Helge A. Haugan, Treasurer of the University of Illinois, be and is hereby given authority to transfer the ten shares of the preferred stock of the Michigan State Telephone Company, now the property of the University, the certificate being No. 1724, and to endorse the same in the name of the University. He is also authorized to transfer the six shares of common stock, certificate No. 1551, and to indorse the same in the name of the University. Respectfully submitted, ALEXANDER MCLEAN, W. L. ABBOTT, L. L. LEHMAN, Finance Committee. The report of the committee was approved and the resolution offered by the committee was adopted. LEGISATIVE APPKOPKIATIONS. The special Committee on Legislative Askings made the following report which was received for consideration: URBANA, 1 1 1 . , Nov. 27, 1906. To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: Your special Committee on Legislative Askings, appointed at the September meeting of the board, met at the University Nov. 27, 1906, all the members of the committee being present. Of the other members of the board, all of whom had been invited to meet with the committee, Messrs. Lehman and McLean, and Mrs. Alexander and Mrs. Evans were present. President James was also present. At the suggestion of President James the deans of the several colleges were invited to state the wants and conditions of their respective departments. Dean White being away, Professor Breckenridge was heard with reference to the needs of the College of Engineering, the Engineering Experiment Station, and the heating plant. Professor Brooks was heard with reference to the needs of the electric lighting and power plant. Dean Davenport was heard with reference to the needs of the Agricultural Department. Professor Forbes spoke of the needs of the Department of Physiology and the desirability of establishing a course in human anatomy. Miss Sharp represented the Library. Dean Townsend was heard with reference to the College of Science. Dean Greene spoke of the College of Literature and Arts. Dean Harker spoke for the College of Law. The following proposed law, making appropriations for buildings, presented by President James, was considered, but no formal action was taken thereon. MAKING SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR BUILDINGS. WHEREAS, the University of Illinois has grown with such great rapidity as to outrun all the facilities in building and equipment which have been thus far provided; and WHEREAS, the trustees have urgently represented that they need now for the present work of the institution, among others, the following buildings, costing approximately the sums set opposite the same, amounting to about $1,750,000, namely, PROPOSED LAW
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