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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1908J PROCEEDINGS OP THE BOARD OP TRUSTEES. 695 General University No. Warrants—Continued. F o r What. Amount. Date. To Whom. 1908 Services June 20 J. D. H o o d Services and expenses ..do S. A. Forbes Expenses • ..do American Press Association .. Reports ..do G. W . Sheldon & Co Freight, etc ..do Cooler ' Dayton Mfg. Co ..do Edison Business P h o n o g r a p h ..do Phonographs Co W m . Bradley , Icecream 13088 ..do Meat T. J. Colvin 13089 ..do T h e Julia F . Burnham H o s 13090 ..do Nurse pital Scale 13091 ..do Buffalo Scale Co Meat 13092 ..do Irwin Bros. Co Twin City Ice & Cold Storage 13093 ..do Storage, etc Co Milk and butter 13094 ..do Dairy Department, U. of I Books 13095 ..do 13096 ..do Smith Premier Typewriter Co Desk Book , Morang & Co 13097 ..do Binding 13098 ..do Ernst Hertzberg & Sons Books 13099 ..do Boston Book Co Printing 13100 ..do 13101 ..do G. E . Stechert 13102 ..do O . E . Staples, chief clerk.. .. Express Freight 13103 ..do Sundry bills and rebates 13104 ..do O . E . Staples, chief clerk P l u m b i n g supplies 13105 ..do H . Mueller Mfg. Co Checks 13106 ..do Oscar C. Rixson Co Repairs Illinois Electric Mfg. Co 13107 ..do Leaves 13108 ..do Baker- Vawter Co Clippings : 13109 ..do Henry R o m e i k e Cards 13110 ..do T h e A . E . Price Co Repair machine Cameron, Amberg & Co 13111 ..do Printing 13112 ..do T h e University Press Application Chas. Gray, secretary 13113 ..do Bond J o h n N . Beers 13114 ..do Shrubs P h o e n i x Nursery Co 13115 ..do J o h n C. Moore Corporation.. 13116 ..do Leather goods Muller Harness Co 13117 ..do Shrubs 13118 ..do Duplicator Durkin, R e e v e s & Co 13119 ..do Thermometer 13120 ..do Aimer Coe & Co Harness supplies Franklin Valbert 13121 ..do 13122 ..do F . P . Anderson Plugs 13123 ..do F. A.Hubbell Subscription 13124 ..do Printing 13122 ..do Clay B . F . Drakenfeld & Co 13126 ..do Chemicals 13127 ..do Potters Supply Co Urbana and Champaign Rail13128 ..do way, Gas and Electric C o . . . . Gas and coke Arthur H. Clark & Co Books 13129 ..do Book 13130 ..do DeBower-Elliott Co International Press Clipping 13131 ..do Clippings Bureau Bottles 13132 ..do T h e Consumers Co Reports 13133 ..do Dixie Book Shop Co ,13134 ..do Burnham Antique Book Store 13135 ..do ..do :. F . E Clements White lead 13136 ..do Carter White Lead Co Oil 13137 ..do Globe Mfg. Co Electric instruments 13138 ..do 13139 ..do Field glasses .. / 13140 ..do Montgomery Ward & Co Chase F o u n d r y & Mfg. Co ... Car 13141 ..do 13442 ..do Books McGraw Publishing Co R epairs 13143 ..do Paint 13144 ..do Felton, Sibley & Co Books 13145 ..do W e s t Publishing Co Lumber 13146 ..do W . W. Walls & Co 13147 ..do A. L. A. Publishing B o a r d . . . . Books Cells 13148 ..do National Carbon Co Labor and material 13149 ..do J o h n B. Bennett Instruments, etc 13150 ..do Keuff el & Esser Co 13151 J u n e 30 13081 13082 13083 13084 13085 13086 13087 $ 7 IS 58 50 22 54 246 25 33 10 17 50 191 00 20 50 3 26 18 00 32 28 79 69 61 24 743 87 70 67 23 08 1 70 123 54 91 75 470 46 180 29 42 86 29 01 239 71 23 83 19 50 16 15 9 10 5 00 3 20 1 75 7 20 4 50 5 00 13 75 18 00 34 00 17 34 3 00 1 10 2 60 15 25 3 40 5 00 76 00 5 00 2 20 399 90 10 62 9 50 5 00 4 00 96 00 33 50 24 00 67 50 45 04 60 40 20 18 63 60 75 00 10 00 3 00 2 75 186 00 33 62 6 38 21 63 114 23 574 30 833 33
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