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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1908.] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 698 General University Warrants—Continued. No. Date. To Whom. For What. Amount. 1908 Pictures 12937 J u n e 10 Perry Pictures Co Geo. H . Madden Expenses 12938 ..do 12939 ..do Julia F . Burnham H o s p i t a l . . . R o o m and board 12940 ..do J . M. L i n d g r e n ..do 12941 ..do James H. Finch Expenses 12942 ..do Perry Barker . do 12943 ..do B. S. Pickett ..do 12944 ..do R. B. H o w e ..do 12945 ..do A. C.Beal 12946 ..do Cow 12947 ..do L . T . Strahl ..do W. E. Roberts 12948 ..do J o h n Munds ..do 12949 .:do J. L . Hazen ..do 12950 ..do Services and expenses 12951 ..do Mrs. L. S. Tewksbury N . H . Hill Wages, May, 1908 12952 ..do 12953 ...do T . M. Jasper Services Books 12954 ..do G. E. Stechert & Co Pantagraph Printing & Sta12955 ..do Catalogs tionery Co 12956 ..do Advertising American Entomological Co.. Pins 12957 ..do W . L. Abbott 12958 ..do ..do 12959 ..do F . W . Scott 12960 ..do P. T . B. Matheney 12961 ..do Horse J. A. Wolf 12962 ..do L. F . Rieckhoff 12963 ..do W m . Bradley 12964 ..do Stundnts' payroll, May, 1908 12965 ..do O. E. Staples, chief clerk .. ,, Sundry bills paid 12966 O. E. Staples, chief clerk , , Men's payroll, May, 1908 12967 ..do M. H . Robinson Expenses Janitor work 12968 ..do Ren Crackle 12969 ..do G. W. Doss ..do 12970 ..do W.T.English ..do 12971 ..do Geo. T. Kemp Expenses 12972 ..do F.W.Scott . .do , 12973 ..do i Urbana Heat, L i g h t & Power Services Co t 12974 ..do J . T . Nuttall ..do 12975 T h e Audit Co. of Illinois 12976 ..do Expenses O. A. Harker H. B. Dorner 12977 ..do ..do 12978 ..do A. C. Beal ..do 12£79 ..do C. S. Crandall ..do 12980 ..do ..do 12981 ..do Allen T . Irion Postage 12982 ..do Electrical department U. of I . 12983 ..do Mechanical E n g i n e e r i n g Shops U. of I Labor and material 12984 ..do Blue Printing Department U . ..do of I 12985 ..do Chemical Laboratory U. of I . M. G. Snyder 12986 ..do Painting ..„• 12987 ..do Ira O . Baker 12988 ..do Paint William Price Estate 12989 ..do Bausch & L o m b Optical C o . . 12990 ..do Knowlton & Bennett Glass, etc 12991 ..do Illinois State Reformatory.... 12992 ..do Champaign Steam L a u n d r y . . Laundry work U. of I. Supply Store 12993 ..do 12994 ..do Lumber W . I . SaffellCo 12995 ..do Hardware 12996 ..do G. E. Stechert & Co Books 12997 ..do Percival & Hall 12998 ..do C. H . Baddeley ..do 12999 |..do Twin City Ice & Cold Storage Co 13000 ..do T. H . Trevett Hardware 13001 ..do Stationery 13002 ..do Bennett's Newspaper & Maga zine Subscription Agency .. Subscriptions 13003 ..do H e n r y Lotheran & Co Books 13004 ..do Thomas Thorp ..do 13005 ..do Martin Schilling ..do 13006 '..do 1 J. L. Wiese & Son $ 1 54 13 75 3 50 16 65 13 00 25 80 16 61 57 06 13 91 120 00 50 00 70 00 55 00 65 00 57 04 55 90 21 50 285 88 2,292 20 6 00 12 50 51 85 6 85 15 00 180 00 6 27 19 75 1,429 13 51 81 209 98 12 05 21 12 20 64 25 20 24 89 21 16 24 68 31 00 308 05 34 56 27 73 15 46 28 30 11 03 140 50 5 00 20 62 80 28 132 91 231 20 4 71 9 70 95 00 17 60 37 30 40 16 112 36 114 50 16 00 99 61 20 05 14 83 16 00 96 85 48 27 6 16 32 140 4 20 70 02 38 55 . ..!.
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