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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

608 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Jan. 20 General University Warrants—Continued. No. Date. To Whom. For What. Amount. Livery Laboratory supplies ..do . . Colville Bros ..do , , . Gould Directory .. do J o h n A. White ..do ..do R e v i e w Printing & Stationery ..do ..do Co 6650 ..do R.L. Polk&Co Directories 6651 ..do Central Scientific Co Laboratory supplies 6652 ..do H . E . Cockerton Stamps , 6653 ..do .... Envelopes T h e Paper Mills Co 6654 ..do Columbia Incandescent L a m p Co Lamps 6655 ..do Supplies * ., Central Electric C o m p a n y 5656 ..do Illinois Electric M fg. Co — Repairs 6657 ..do Standard Oil Co Oil 6658 ..do National Carbon Co Cells 6659 ..do Westinghouse Electric & Mfg Co 6660 ..do Steam supplies 6661 . . d c Norman W . H e n l e y PublishCharts ing Co 6662 ..do Western Society of Engineers Advertising 6663 ..do Commercial Electric Supply Co 6664 ..do C. N . C l a r k & C o Cutting slabs 6665 ..do .,. Chas. A. Strelinger Co Tools, etc 6666 ..do ., Rhiele Bros. Testing Machine Co Pinions 6667 ..do ..., H . P . Stinespring Coal 6668 ..do Pump G e o . F . Blake Mfg C o 6669 ..do Franklin Portable Crane C o . . Crane 6670 ..do Burke & J a m e s Photo apparatus 6671 . do W . & L . E . Gurley Vials : 6672 ..do C . C. Gere Repairing clocks 6673 ..do Paper Chas. E . Perry Co 6674 ..do Rudolph Wurlitzer Co Music stands 6675 ..do .... Corn C. A . Dickey 6676 ..do Trees D . S. Lake 6677 ..do ... Groceries Eisner Grocery Co 6678 ..do W . Lewis & C o Dry goods , 6679 ..do .,, W . J . Boehm Bulbs 6680 ..do Engraving 6681 ..do .... J o h n B . Bennett Tile 6682 ..do Paper G e o . T . J o h n s o n Co 6683 ..do L y o n & Healy Drayage 6684 ..do .... E . T . Barnum Wire guard 6685 ..do American Railway Engineering & Maintenance of Way Assn Copies 6686 ..do Drawing material Keuffel & Esser Co 6687 ..do Seeds H e n r y A. Dreer 6688 ..do Repairs Leeds & Northrup Co 6689 ..do , Ward Leonard Electric C o . . . Repairs 6690 ..do , Lawyers' Co-Operative P u b lishing Co ,. Book 6691 ..do American Multigraph Sales Electrotypes Co 6692 ..do W m . Jessop & Sons Steel Directory 6693 ..do W . W . Evans 6694 ..do P h o n e supplies 6695 ..do . . . . Electric supplies Illinois Electric Co 6696 ..do Illinois Glass Co 1 Glas s ware 6697 ..do American Entomological Co.. Pins" 6598 ..do Pipe fittings J o h n Davis Co 6699 ..do .... H . W . J o h n s Manville C o . . . . Fuses and pipe covering 6700 ..do • T u n n e l , per contract J o h n B . Bennett 6701 ..do T h e Engineering Magazine.. Advertising 6702 ..do Aluminum P e n Co Pens 6703 ..do Indicator , . Ashcroft Mfg. Co 6704 ..do Meters J a m e s G. Biddle Advertising 6705 ..do . . 6706 ..do 6707 ..do Central Union T e l e p h o n e Co Rentals, etc 6708 ..do 6644 6645 6646 6647 6648 6649 1908 Jan. 20 J. E. McGurty ..do Whitall-Tatum Co $ 3 00 38 94 4 00 5 00 4 00 5 00 11 00 4 50 15 38 82 94 45 38 66 15 33 12 62 33 21 63 30 00 19 64 1 00 60 00 72 18 7 50 59 21 10 00 7 63 187 00 67 50 9 51 15 66 8 00 19 40 11 40 29 66 14 20 10 68 14 41 30 00 24 78 8 00 17 00 11 00 7 40 6 83 6 3 7 50 99 37 30 03 - < 2 50 2 68 7 83 5 00 50 00 85 12 15 40 8 75 10 45 379 18 3,276 00 2 09 2 50 52 00 104 00 7 80 125 00 54 10 7 50
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