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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

606 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Jan. 10 General University Warrants—Continned. No. Date. To Whom. For What. Amount. 1908 6503 J a n . 10 Frison Bros 6504 ..do 6505 ..do J. L . Weise & Son 6506 ..do 6507 ..do 6508 ..do T. W. Wood &Sons 6509 ..do 6510 ..do Ray L. Bowman 6511 ..do 6512 ..do L. G. Parker T h e Jarvie Shop 6513 ..do 6514 ..do 6515 ..do 6516 ..do J. C. T h o m a s 6517 ..do Urbana Courier Co 6518 ..do G. E . Sanders 6519 ..do 6520 Maas Colortype Co 6521 ..do L . I. Birdsall 6522 ..do T h e Mac Millan Co 6523 ..do 6524 ..do T h e American Architect 6525 ..do Reliable P l u m b i n g & Heating 6526 ..do Co 6527 ..do 6528 ..do Illinois State Penitentiary 6529 ..do Western Electric Co 6530 ..do E. H . Sargent & Co 6531 ..do T h e W . I. SaffellCo 6532 ..do Allen T . Irion 6533 ..do 6534 ..do U . of I. Supply Store W.P.Flint 6535 ..do 6536 ..do G. E. Sanders 6537 ..do L. M . S m i t h 6538 ..do J o s e p h Baer & Co W.F.Wheeler 6539 ..do 6540 ..do Mrs. J. C. Barlow 6541 ..do 6542 ..do A.B.Bailey 6543 ..do 1 C. E. L e e 6544 ..do.... *.... O. E. Staples, chief clerk 6545 ..do Urbana & Champaign Rail6546 ..do G . M . Wood 6547 ..do 6548 ..do , G. H . Spannagel N . B. Morrison 6549 ..do 6550 ..do F . H . Hall 6551 ..do H . H, Moore Perry Barker 6552 ..do 6553 ..do J . M. L i n d g r e n 6554 ..do W. F . ^ h e e l e r 6555 ..do . . 6556 ..do . .. Allen T . Irion 6557 ..do 6558 ..do , , J a m e s Corner 6559 ..do . .. Chicago Gas & Electric F i x ture Mfg. Co 6560 ..do O . E . Staples, chief clerk 6561 ..do , ., 6562 ..do O . E . Staples, chief clerk 6563 ..do ' O . E . Staples, chief c l e r k . , , . 6564 ..do O . E . Staples, chief clerk .. 6565 6566 6567 6568 6569 6570 6571 6572 6573 6574 ..do , ..do ..do ..do . ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ., O . E . Staples, chief clerk O . E . Staples, chief clerk O . E . Staples, chief clerk, .. W.P.Flint W.Muller W . E. Braden Samuel Bartley ,. W a g o n repairs Straps j, Stamps. t Binder and repairs Apparatus Scale and repairs Cow peas Repair adding machine Antipest Labor and expenses R u n n e r and bag Expenses T h e m e reading Hardware Examination questions Advertising Expenses Plates Expenses Subscription Hardware Advertising P i p e fittings Binding Furniture, etc Electric supplies Laboratory supplies Hardware P l u m b i n g supplies Postage Expenses ..do ..do Books Analyses ...'. Services Ditching Expenses Express Gas Corn ..do ..do Services...: .. do Balance on contract Office expenses Horse Balance on account Students' payroll, December, 1907.. Rebates to students I. C. freight Wabash freight Illinois Traction System & Big F o u r freight Sundry bills paid Expenses Books Chemicals Rent, labor, etc Services, etc „ $ 22 25 1 00 2 50 25 10 33 30 151 00 2 23 1 50 1 50 13 25 5 60 27 52 15 00 8 75 21 00 42 00 22 88 200 00 8 07 5 25 139 50 73 50 2 40 43 89 35 65 161 35 194 27 320 54 98 61 776 87 156 00 112 87 80 55 24 55 74 39 25 85 25 50 100 00 86 37 22 93 33 86 72 36 284 27 35 00 30 00 35 15 5 00 10 00 5 00 105 00 7 65 13 20 337 43 185 00 150 00 225 00 998 50 325 37 247 89 138 31 128 65 131 61 555 65 75 19 121 93 32 55 81 58 2 50 2 40 369 20 65 39 16 65
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