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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

600 UNIVERSITY O F I L L I N O I S . [Dec. 81 General University No. Date. To Whom. Warrants—Continued. For What. Amount. 1907 Dec. 31 Falls Rivet & Machine C o . . . . Machine supplies . Schaeffer & B u d e n b e r g Mfg. 6065 ..do Co Charts Singbusch Self .Closing Ink..do stand Co Inkstands 6067 ..do.. M.M.Rothschild Typewritersupplies. 6068 .do.. Meat Howard Ross 6069 .do.. Tube Bishop & C o 6070 ..do.. Gas Liquid Carbonic Co 6071! .do.. Phones Automatic Electric Co 6072 .do.. E. E. Rea Printing Co invitations 6073 .do.. Tubes Standard Calorimeter Co 60741 .do.. Jars J o h n Heff ernan & Son 6075' .do.. Groceries C. H . Baddeley 6076 .do.. Commercial Electric Supply Electric supplies . Co Slides K e y s t o n e View Co 6077 .do.. Mcintosh Stereopticon Co Electric supplies . 60781 ..do.. W. W . J e r a u l d Dry goods 6079 ..do.. K e n y o n News & Postal Sub..do.. Rubber stamps scription A g e n c y Stationery C u n n i n g h a m Bros 6081 ..do.. Saw S. Dessaus Sons 6082 ..do.. Lumber Dean & Bode Mfg. Co 6083 ..do.. Laboratory apparatus. Ernst Leitz 6084 ..do.. Drugs H. Swannell & Sons 6085 ..do.. Papers Oldham Bros 6086 ..do.. Garden supplies Vaughan's Seed Store 6087 ..do.. Drawing apparatus William Dixon 6088 ..do.. Toilet articles Spalding & Quirk: 60391 ..do.. Bailey, Banks & Biddle C o . . . Engraving 6090|..do. Horn Richard Wunderlich 6091 ..do., Cover glasses Burke & J a m e s 60921 . .do.. Flowers East Side Floral Co 6093 ..do. Tree protectors Burlington Basket Co 60941 ..do,. Alexander, Ward & Conover. Steer 6095 ..do., Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co . . . . Cards 6096 ..do., ce Smith & Co 6097 . .do., Coal Chester A. Harris & Co 6098 ..do.. Prints E.N.Hart 6099 ..do.. Corn G. H. Spanngel 6100 ..do.. Salt Fairbanks, Morse & Co 6101 ..do., Stars S. D. Child & Co 6102 ..do.. Zenoleum Zenner Disenfectant Co 6103 . .do.. Pantagraph Printing & Sta6104 ..do. Bulletins tionery Co Laboratory supplies . Henry J. Green 6105 ..do., Duplicators refilled .. Lawton & Co 6106 ..do. Fertilizer Robin J o n e s 6107 ..do., Electric supplies Mills Electric Co 6108 ..do. National Self-Winding Clock 6109 ..do., Lumber Co A. R. Vinnedge Lumber C o . ..do 6110|..do. Sand Garden City Sand Co 6111 ..do. Brass Charles H . Besly & Co 6112 ..do. Saw blade Cochrane-Ely Co 6113 ..do. Flour A. S. Nelson & Sons Co 6114 ..do. Insertion outfit Ernst H . Short 6115 ..do. Babcock Fi re Extinguisher Co | F i r e extinguisher 6116| .do. Dental plaster Builders' Material Co ... 6117 .do. Solution H. A. Aldrich & Co 61181 ..do. Trees T h e Baldwin Nurserv .. 6119" .do. Marker H . E . Cockerton 6120 .do. Tile National Drain Tile Co . 6121 .do. Books American Law Book Co 6122 .do. Sewer pipe , J o h n B. Bennett 6123 .do. Subscriptions Subscription News C o . . 6124 .do. Book Ginn & Co 6125 .do. Books Arthur H . Clark Co 6126| .do. ..do Davis & Harvey 6127 .do. Envelopes Dennison Mfg. Co 6128|..do. Gymnasium suppftes. Truax, Greene & C o . . . . 6129 ..do. Jars A. M. F o s t e r & C o 6130|..do. Packing , Quaker City Rubber Co 6131 ..do. Pipe fittings 61321 ..do. J o h n Davis Co Carbons 61331 ..do. National Carbon Co $ 29 80 3 00 " 17 34 3 50 1 03 41 60 5 00 25 63 8 00 10 00 20 20 25 00 34 2 22 8 10 40 45 54 4 00 91 16 60 00 15 00 69 95 2 50 2 20 59 00 12 80 10 35 43 00 49 50 6 00 4 00 25 00 120 90 6 60 15 14 8 54 22 50 218 75 2 50 3 10 12 07 1,935 4 3 111 87 110 50 54 4 6 5 4 162 7 3 6 4 28 71 1 6 2 8 16 20 2 10 41 18 55 21 25 20 15 34 60 00 00 72 75 60 00 00 50 75 50 80 95 10 40 80 00 00 35 00 94 50 10 09 00
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