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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOAED OF TBUSTEFS. 591 General University No. Date. To Whom. Warrants—Continued. F o r What. Amount. 1907 5394 Dec. 10 M . G . Snyder Labor and material 5395 ..do Champaign & Urbana Water . Co Water permit Straw 5396 ..do Clay Steen 5397 ..do Steer L e w Kerr 5398 ..do C . H . Stoelting & Co Laboratory apparatus 5399 ..do Bennett's Newspaper & M a g azine Subscription A g e n c y . 5400 ..do Oil Standard Oil Co 5401 Dec. Expenses 20 S. W . Shattuck 5402 ..do H a u l i n g coal P. Adams 5403 ..do Expenses. G e o . H . Madden 5404 ..do Apparatus 5405 ..do G r a p h o p h o n e , etc Eggleston Music H o u s e Hotel bill 5406 ..do Chas. B . Hatch Gould Storage Battery C o . . . . 5407 ..do Sheller 5408 ..do Marseilles Mf g . Co Bull 5409 ..do 5410 ..do Labor and material Larry & Larry * 5411 ..do American Aberdeen A n g u s Shares of stock Breeder's Assn Advertising 5412 ..do Elgin Dairy R e p o r t Bran 5413 ..do Fred Fishe Advertising 5414 ..do W. D . Hoard & Co 5415 ..do J . D . Craig t ... H a y 5416 .do H. B . Perry Hay 5417 ..do J o s . A . S t a h l H a y Co Expenses 5418 ..do G. E . Sanders 5419 ..do ..do :... W.P.Flint.... 5420 ..do J . A. Leonard ..do 5421 ..do Oscar S. Watkins Groceries 5422 ..do C. H . Baddeley Ice cream 5123 ..do W m . Bradley 5424 ..do Laboratory supplies E. H . Sargent & Co Drafting 5 J 25..do N . H . Hill Expenses 5426 .do R. C . Obrecht 5427 ..do . .do H . O . Allison ..do 5428 ..do C. B . Coleman L a y i n g tile 5429 ..do R o y Charles Expenses 5430 ..do E. Davenport Services 5431 ..do R.S.Buchanan ..do 5432 ..do C. W . Knisely 5433 ..do White Star Steam L a u n d r y . . . L a u n d r y work U n e x p e n d e d balance of appropria5434 ..do Treasurer State of Illinois tion for taxes of Minnesota lands. Balance in vaccine laboratory a p Treasurer State of Illinois 5135 ..do propriation as of December 19, 1905 J o e P . Benson Labor and postage 5436 ..do Expenses E. M . Halliday 5437 ..do M. C. Tanquary Services 5438 ..do Expenses W . L . Pillsbury 5439 ..do Part p a y m e n t ' Rudolph H a u p t 5440 ..do J o h n J . Davis Expenses 5441 ..do L . M. Smith ..do 5442 ..do Milk 5443 .do A. P . M eeks Paper Urbana Courier Co 5444 ..do Dinners , 5445 ..do Congress Hotel Co Sheldon Brick Co , Brick, etc 5446 ..do Reliable P l u m b i n g & Heating 5447 .do P l u m b i n g , etc Co Sand 5448 ..do Royal A. Stipes Duties 5449 ..do ... , Expenses -. 5450 ..do E . H . Scott Labor and material A. P. Leming 5451 ..do Expenses 5452 ..do J. W . Lloyd . do 5453 ..do A. C. Beal ..do 5454 ..do D. M. White Lumber 5455 ..do 5456 ..do G. C. Willis Paint, etc Bacon Bros 5457 ..do Groceries 5458 ..do Percival & Hall Matting, etc Mittendorf & Kiler 5459 ..do 5460 Meyer & W e n t h e S. E. Huff & Co 5461 5462 ..do $ 38 34 37 50 10 00 95 00 61 10 715 63 , 62 29 23 38 203 15 5 85 109 20 60 00 13 25 230 00 28 00 290 00 15 65 ' 20 00 5 00 24 00 5 00 89 07 25 00 358 05 14 60 97 49 10 20 5 00 398 00 24 74 425 22 43 80 14 29 13 39 23 64 93 89 2 55 60 91 56 00 42 94 2,000 00 2,429 73 7 40 169 18 37 50 11 02 1,000 00 36 17 80 04 114 24 9 50 55 00 40 67 89 23 7 85 25 87 ,28 77 112 50 19 77 16 58 50 11 367 75 166 24 10 26 7 85 31 55 6 20 71 55 15 00 .£
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