Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOAKD OP TEUSTEE8 587 General University No. Date. T o Whom'. Warrants—Continued. F o r What. Amount. $451 85 320 29 405 25 148 10 15 15 3 40 1 60 10 00 15 00 2 43 3 20 13 50 10 00 5 00 44 08 5 25 41 38 4 25 5 00 12 25 496 18 8 00 38 75 21 81 41 55 7 20 17 87 23 70 13 64 14 63 3 00 9 00 10 00 9 00 1 99 5 00 9 18 8 00 468 19 5 60 8 50 3 50 189 75 239 32 16 00 2 50 10 00 32 75 370 00 37 25 8 00 30 15 52 00 7 50 91 62 33 75 25 00 71 25 57 00 19 89 2 47 443 98 10 00 75 00 7 31 1 85 4 56 1 00 595 78 104 25 5113 Dec. 5114 5115 5116 5117 5118 Office supplies 10 Jacquin & Co Electric supplies Western Electric Co Illinois State Penitentiary Furniture Farm supplies W . F . Hardy Sand Royal A. Stipes Dean Bros. Steam P u m p Works Rubber valves 5119 E. G. Soltmann Contracts 5120 Marshall-Jackson Co Books 5121 J o h n N . Beers . Bonds 5122 Cloth Jordan-MaTsh Co Refilling duplicator 5123 Lawton & Co Livery 5124 H. F . Chester Advertising 5125 . . d o . . . . r . . . T h e F a r m H o m e Co 5126 Cornell Cooperative Society . Leaflets 5127 Dean & Bode Mfg. Co Lumber 5128 W. J . B o e h m 5129 Baker & Co 5130 Can '. 5131 Guarantee Electric Co Motor 5132 T w i n City Ice & Cold Storage Co 5133 Chemicals, etc E. H . Sargent & Co 5134 Illinois Printing Co Labels 5135 Ernst Leitz 5136 H . Swannell & Son Drugs Paper 5137 J . W . Butler Paper Co 5138 Hardware Hubbard & Sons 5139 Weston Electric Instrument Repair meters Co 5140 Laboratory supplies 5141 .do Commercial Electric Supply Electric supplies Co 5142 H e r m a n Boker & Co Steel Chas. B. Hatch 5143 Hotel bill 5144 Pantagraph Printing & Stationery Co R efreshments 5145 Harris Ice Cream Co 5146 Packets Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co Office supplies 5147 Dennison Mfsr. Co Pencil sharpeners, etc 5148 F . S. Webster Co I n d e x tags 5149 .do Chas. C. Smith 5150 Derrough & Co : Wire holders Laboratory apparatus 5151 T h e Scientific Shop 5152 Photos F . W . Faxon 5153 O p e n Court Publishing C o . . . 5154 St. Paul Book & Stationery Co. Apparatus 5155 C. H . Stoelting & C o . ..• Barrels, etc 5156 A .i Egyptian Packing Co 5157* Hauling 5158 Jackson Transfer Co Corn 5159 5160 5161 Washburn-Crosby Co 5162 Scale destroyer 5163 National Railway Publishing Subscription 1 Co Horseshoeing Campbell & Spalding , 5164 F . D. Kirkpatrick Use of horse 5165 5166 Home Telephone Co... ~ Service Corn 5167 G. H. Spannagel 5168 J. O. Toland Cleanser * 5169 (The J. B. F o r d Co Corn 5170 F u n k Bros. Seed Co 5171 Library Bureau Office supplies 5172 A. »H. Barber Creamery Supply Co 5173 Wheel Feed 5174 Solution 5175 Pasteur Vaccine Co., Ltd Hog 5176 Coal 5177 Engraving 5178 5179 R ecording 5180 5181 .do Clay Robinson & Co Sheep 5182 .•..„..