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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

558 UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS. [Oct. 25 General University No. Date. To Whom. Warrants—Continued. For What. Amount. 1937 2958 Oct. Office supplies 25 Jacquin & Co Oil, etc 2959 ..do Standard Oil Co 2960 ..do Horseshoeing Campbell & Spalding 2961 ..do Seed Vaughans Seed Store 2962 ..do Sanitary Chemical Works . . . . 2963 ..do Esiner Grocery Co Matches, etc 2964 ..do Pipe, etc J o h n B. Bennett 2965 ..do Watson Faulkner Drugs * . 2966 ..do Wadsworth Howland Co . . . . . Spo"nges, etc 2967 ..do Crouse H i n d s Co Steam supplies 2968 ..do United Brass Mfg. Co Waste machine 2969 ..do Wire 2970 ..do Pulleys R. R . S t r e e t & C o 2971 ..do Reliable P l u m b i n g & H e a t i n g Co Pipe fittings 2972 ..do Meyer & W e n t h e Rubber stamps 2973 ..do J o h n M. Beers Bond 2974 .do Twin City Ice & Cold Stora g e Co Ice 2975 ..do R. R. Donnelly & Sons C o . . . Engraving 2976 ..do Amsbary & Sawin Dry goods 2977 ..do Central Scientific Co Laboratory supplies 2978 ..do General Chemical Co 2979 ..do Walker & Mulliken Furniture 2980 ..do Standard Calorimeter Co Laboratory supplies 2981 ..do H e n r y H . Shufeldt & Co Alcohol 2982 ..do M. A. D o n o h u e & Co Class records *. 2983 ..do A. C. McClurg & Co Books and stationery 2984 ..do Condenser P.Keller&Co 2985 .do Illinois Electric Co 2986 ..do Tools • T h e L. S. Starrett Co 2987 ..do J o h n R. Nelson Repair barometer 2988 ..do Paper 2989 ..do E. A. Robinson Pipe supplies 2990 ..do Fuller & Fuller Co Drugs , 2991 ..do Wreath 2992 ..do H. F . Chester Livery 2993 ..do. 20th Century Press Clipping Clippings 2994 . . d o : Montgomery Ward & Co Towels, etc 2995 ..do M. A. Seed Dry Plate C o . . . . Dry pi ites 2996 ..do Wabash Cabinet Co Cards 2997 ..do Bass strings 2998 ..do H. S. Grindley Petty expenses 2999 ..do Smith Premier Typewriter Co 3000 ..do Cards American Gymnasia 3001 ..do Illinois State Penitentiary Chairs 3002 ..do Standard Underground Cable Co Cable 3003 ..do W m . B, May 3004 ..do C u n n i n g h a m Bros Drugs 3005 ..do Telephones 3006 ..do J a m e s B. Clow & Sons Pipe fittings 3007 ..do Holland Stock R e m e d y C o . . Salt 3008 ..do Recording : . . E. N . Ball, secretary 3009 ..do Farm supplies W. F . Hardy 3010 ..do Schreiber & Sons Photos 3011 ..do R ecording 3012 ..do W. J . Van Petten Hardware 3013 ..do American Yorkshire C l u b . . . . Certificates 3014 ..do Harber Bros. Co Feed mill 3015 do T. B. Pearson, secretary and treasurer Recording 3016 ..do Julien P. Friez Repairs 3017 ..do Planimeter Queen & Co 3018 ..do Clock Chas. Maurer 3019 ..do Posts , 3020 ..do George B. Carpenter & C o . . Belting, etc 3021 ..do Bottles Whitall T a t u m Co 3022 ..do Feed G. H . Spannagel 3023 ..do Sanders Publishing Co Advertising 3024 ..do Iron work Louis E l y & Co 3025 ..do Drovers' Journal Publish.Co. Advertising 3026 ..do Creamery Package Mfg. C o . . Separator repairs 3027 ..do H, P . Stinespring Bran 3028 ..do American Berkshire Assn , $ 169 89 44 80 14 50 4 90 8 70 31 45 3 15 1 50 9 18 2 80 10 20 5 40 4 23 26 86 4 87 7 50 14 00 31 20 5 00 3 28 148 85 32 90 3 08 92 50 13 50 20 50 1 25 7 10 3 09 2 00 14 02 4 07 61 90 ^ 13 40 5 50 7 50 68 28 21 16 18 00 10 18 3 59 15 60 5 10 1,023 75 2,442 36 73 65 7 15 130 95 123 26 9 00 1 00 37 73 18 00 1 00 20 76 3 00 61 25 .*. , , / , v, ,. . . . 1 00 17S 25 23 85 1 00 4 24 27 05 4 14 11 50 20 00 3 75 20 00 2 53 24 00 26 00
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