Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

556 UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS. [Oct. 4 General University No. Date. 1907 To Whom. Warrants—Continued. F o r What. Amount. 2809 Oct. 2810 2811 2812 2813 .2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823 2824 2825 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 2832 2833 2834 2835 2836 2837 2838 2839 2840 2841 2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 2856 2857 2858 2859 2860 2861 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872 2873 287* 2875 2876 - 2877 2878 2879 2880 2881 . .ao .do .do Oct. 4 T h e Chas. A. Strelinger C o . . . National Self W i n d i n g Clock Co ^.bbie Bear G. E. Sanders H. A. Hollister R e m i n g t o n Typewriter C o . . . Benj. L. Bowling Riehle Bros. Testing Machine Co Geo. H. Anderson W.W.Trimble E. A. W h i t e L. M . Pearis W.P.Flint H . A. Haugan A. R. Curtis Mfg. Co Danville, Urbana & ChamW m . J. Huss J o h n McCullough S.A.Forbes Chas. W. Yeck Carl T e n Broeck E. H . Sargent & Co Eimer & A m e n d A. S. Nelson & Sons Paper, etc Oil Room rent Expenses . .do Machine, etc Expenses Testing Machine Loan Wages, September, 1907 Expenses . .do Office e x p e n s e s Iron, etc Freight Straw Salary, September, 1907 .do Wabash freight Supplies Chemicals Expenses Printing Rebates and sundry bills Furniture Electric supplies Expenses Services Expenses . .do : Plastering Services Expenses . .do Labor Expenses P a y m e n t on contract Salary, September, 1907 . .do Salary, September, 1907 Wages, September, 1907 . .do . .do ^.. '. $ 19 95 42 75 3 00 21 15 19 15 121 48 50 00 897 00 200 00 27 60 26 00 16 00 49 99 29 45 150 00 354 37 . S. W . Parr Mills Electric Co D. A. A brams H. Duncan W . C. Coffey Phrone White A. F . Gustafson H. A. Smith C. J. Robinson C. E . L e e C. C. H a y d e n Adam S. White W . L. Gaines I . C. Machamer W . J . Fraser W . J. Smith R, E . Brand L. R . L a n g L. H . Smith W . L Stewart R. T . Stull 15 A . N . H u m e C a r l F . Miller L. M. Smith J o h n J. Davis A. A. Girault H. A. Hollister J. T . Vawter Allen T . Irion R. E. Brand Rose A. Goldberg Miss H . C. Magoon Frank M e n e e l y Oliver W . Mojonnier J . E.-Murphy J. B. Peterson Miss M. E. Sparks Miss A. E. Sparks Paul E. H o w e H. H. Mitchell 8 73 63 54 130 82 2 44 25 00 25 00 468 00 4,559 64 1,442 14 2 69 113 75 1 45 1 45 97 73 30 25 7 86 116 65 7 40 92 35 9 83 15 00 112 88 41 07 21 71 49 81 25 14 105 00 34 20 25 92 38 42 25 04 27 00 11 20 26 72 51 73 400 00 140 00 18 39 3 95 51 80 26 89 9 77 19 62 140 00 290 50 47 50 45 50 32 80 18 00 35 13 38 50 60 72 46 38 33 20 75 00 75 00 50 00