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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907] . PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 529 General University No. Date. To Whom. Warrants—Continued. F o r What. Amount. 1907 806 A u g . Furniture, etc 10 Walker & Mulliken 807 . .do E n g i n e e r i n g News Publishing Co 808 ..do Subscription News Co Periodicals 809 ..do Illinois State Reformatory.... Printing 810 ..do T. H . Trevett Hardware 811 ..do Candy. A. S. Nelson & Sons 812 ..do Curtiss, Singbusch & Co . Machine work 813 ..do Twin City Ice and Cold Storage Co Ice 814 .do Knowlton & Bennett Drugs, etc 815 ..do 816 ..do P n e u m a t i c keys Munson Supply Co 817 ..do Oxford University Press Books 818 ..do Office supplies 819 . .00 Stationery : D . H . JLloyde 820 ..do Scales Queen & Co 821 ..do Printing Urbana Courier Co 822 ..do Standard Metal Co 823 ..do Illinois Society of Engravers Copies and Surveyors 824 ..do "Hardware W. I.SaffellCo 825 ..do Reliable P l u m b i n g and HeatP i p e fittings ing Co 826 ..do H. P . Reeves 827 ..do Harness supplies E. W . Sampson 828 ..do Envelopes P. F . Pettibone & Co - 829 ..do C. T u e g e l 830 ..do Cloth W . Lewis & Co 831 ..do Zenoleum 832 ..do Seed H. M c F a d d e n & Bro 833 ..do Duplicators refilled Lawton & Co 834 ..do Screen, etc C.C.Bailey 835 ..do Cow p e a s Vaughan's Seed Store 836 ..do Carboy Illinois Glass Co 837 ..do Envelopes J. W . Butler P a p e r Co 838 ..do Jars 839 ..do Harrow J o h n F . Brockman 840 ..do Livery and feed Snively & M o n t g o m e r y 841 ..do Freight W . H . Conibear 842 ..do Fertilizer Morris & Co 843 ..do Electric supplies Western Electric Co 844 ..do T h e Gazette 845 ..do Baker-Vawter Co 846 ..do Books, etc •. A. C. McClurg & Co 847 ..do Postage on bulletins W . W . Lindley, P. M 848 ..do Filter and pedestal D. O. Urch, A g e n t 849 ..do Bausch & L o m b Optical C o . . Laboratory supplies 850 ..do Twin City Electric Co Wire....... 851 ..do C. H S t o e l t i n g & C o 852 ..do C o p y holders Shea Smith & Co 853 ..do W . F . Burres Cases 854 ..do Stationery supplies Jacquin & Co 855 ..do Schaeffer & Budenberg Mfg. Co 856 ..do H e r m a n n Boker & Co Steel 857 ..do Machine repairs 858 ..do 859 ..do Mittendorf & Kiler Furniture, etc 860 ..do A. H . Abbott & Co 861 ..do W . & L . E. Gurley 862 ..do Wrenches Greene, Tweed & Co 863 ..do Meyer & W e n t h e 864 ..do Cards Library Bureau 865 ..do S. H . Davis & Co 866 ..do R. R. Donnelly & Sons C o . . . Engraving 867 ..do Monarch Refrigerating Co ... Express on tubs 868 ..do Office supplies U. of I. Supply Store 869 ..do Hubbard & Sons Hardware 870 ..do Drugs H. Swannell & Son 871 ..do Screen J. R. R i g g e n 872 ..do Paint Wra. Price Estate 873 ..do Directory A. C. Beal 874 ..do $ 34 14 13 10 1 10 115 58 55 73 1 09 5 28 8 00 30 76 8 00 15 50 1 60 70 00 209 02 2 08 2 50 5 27 2 00 20 42 68 26 11 75 51 55 5 00 1 00 15 34 5 82 3 30 6 38 3 00 21 60 9 60 137 15 20 75 8 00 37 00 40 16 36 00 55 09 14 55 20 68 26 16 18 37 36 00 24 71 12 50 19 50 4 50 2 00 50 00 3 50 6 19 1 81 65 00 60 80 3 20 410 00 6 30 9 92 5 45 8 00 95 25 5 30 181 08 59 34 2 50 2 05 2 85 3 00 24 00 r —34 U
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