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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

512 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [July S Water, Heating and Lighting for Y. M. C. A. Building—Approved on motion of Mrs. Busey. Coal Contract—Approved on motion of Mrs. Busey. D E . KEMP'S RESIGNATION. Mrs. Alexander called up the motion with regard to Dr. Kemp's resignation (see page 500 minutes of meeting of June 20, 1908) consideration of which had been postponed until the next meeting. President Abbott ruled that the motion was not in order inasmuch as Dr. Kemp's resignation had been received and accepted by the board. Mrs. Alexander appealed from the decision of the chair and the chair wa,s sustained by the following vote: Yeas, Messrs. Abbott, Davison, Hatch and Lehman;"nays, Mrs. Alexander and Mrs. Busey; not voting, Mrs. Evans; absent, Governor Deneen, Messrs. Madden and Blair. Petitions with regard to the resignation were received from the Champaign County Medical Association, a number of citizens of Champaign and Urbana, and former students of Dr. Kemp's. After the petitions had been read, Mrs. Alexander moved that they be printed in full in the minutes of the board. This motion was lost by the following votes: Yeas, Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Busey; nays, Messrs. Abbott, Davison and Lehman; absent, GdVernor Deneen, Messrs. Blair, Hatch and Madden. CONTRACTS EOH NEW BUILDINGS. On motion of Mrs. Evans it was voted that the Architect be directed to prepare contracts with V. Jobst & Sons of Peoria,, for the erection of the Physics building and the Natural History building in accordance with the proposals this day received and that the officers of the board be authorized to enter into said contract.. On motion of Mrs. Evans it was voted that authority to order changes leading to extras or credits on the Physics, and Natural History buildings be vested in the Architect, who' shall report such changes with the amounts involved to> the Supervising Architect; provided that this authority extends only to changes involving the structural integrity of the contract. It was voted on motion of Mr. Lehman that in view of the low bids on the Physics and Natural History buildings, the Architect, with the approval of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, and the Supervising Architect, be authorized to contract for additional finish and equipment which had been omitted to reduce the expense; provided such extras did not exceed $10,000.00 on the Physics building and $5,000.00 on the Natural History building. Upon the recommendation t of Architect Zimmerman, Mr. James A. Cole was appointed Superintendent of Construction on the Physics and Natural History buildings at a salary of $35.00 'a week.
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