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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1908] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 511 The committee is therefore of the opinion that the charges contained in the petition of John Everett are not sustained, and his petition is dismissed. M. H. Robinson and W. L. Pillsbury, committeemen, concur, July 1, 1908. On "motion of Mrs. Alexander, the report of the committee was approved and its conclusions adopted. A R C H I T E C T Z I M M E R M A N ' S B I L L S OF E X P E N S E S . Itemized bills for expenses, with vouchers, were submitted by Architect Zimmerman amounting to $2,579.16, for the Physics building ancl to $1,700.04, for the Natural History building, and these were ordered paid on motion of Mrs. Alexander. T h e Secretary, Mr. Pillsbury presented the following: CHICAGO, July 2, 1908. Mr. W. L. Pillsbury, Secretary, Board of Trustees, University of Illinois, Urbana, III. DEAR SIR—Kindly submit the following matters to the next meeting of the board: Boiler House— The plans for the extension to the boiler house, which have been prepared by Professor Breckenridge and Supervising Architect White, are nearly ready for bidders. I recommend that this matter be referred to the Buildings and Grounds Committee, with power to approve the plans when satisfactory and award contracts for the work. Building Inspection— An inspection of University buildings last December disclosed in several buildings conditions which were more or less of fire hazards. The hazardous conditions pointed out by the inspector were corrected, but I consider it prudent to have such inspections made from time to time, to be sure that the property is kept up to the high standard of safety. I, therefore recommend that $50.00 be appropriated for another inspection, and that the president of the board be authorized to have an inspection made for that sum. Y. M. G. A. Service— As directed by the board, the Buildings and Grounds Committee obtained from Professors White and Breckenridge an estimate of the lowest price at which the University can furnish water, steam heat, and electric light to the Y. M. C. A. building without loss. These prices are as follows: 1. .Electric current-metered service l%c per K. W. H. 2. Water-metered service 5c per 1000 gals. 3. Steam heat during the heating season $500 00 per year I recommend that these prices be adopted, and that the managers of the Y. M. C. A. building be so notified. Goal Gontract— Heretofore it has been the practice of the University to contract for its coal by the year, but it is doubtful if this method insures for the University any better prices than it could get by buying its coal on the market as required. I, therefore, recommend that the Buildings and Ground Committee be authorized to contract for a supply of coal for the ensuing year if, in its opinion, it is the proper thing to do; otherwise to authorize the purchasing agent to buy coal as needed. Very truly your, W. L. ABBOTT, Chairman, Buildings and Grounds Gommittee. With regards to these items the following action was taken. Boiler House—Approved on motion of Mrs. Alexander. Building Inspection—Approved on motion of Mrs. Alexander.
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