Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1908] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. . AFTERNOON SESSION JULY 3, 1908. 509 When the board met after adjournment, the same members were present as during the morning session. REPORTS OF THE COMMITTEE ON BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds reported on matters referred to it at the meeting of the board held June 20, 1908, as follows: Screens for Library Building.—That screens for the Library building had been ordered at a cost not to exceed $250.00. Repairs on President's House.—That repairs on the President's house had been ordered as recommended by the Supervising Architect, at a cost of $201.79. Boom for Alumni Quarterly.—That an order had been given for the fitting up of the room in Engineering hall for the Alumni quarterly at an expense of $100.00. Equipment for College of Engineering.—That the requests of the Dean of the College of Engineering for special equipment in the college had been ordered as follows: Incidentals, etc., $5,000.00; .extension and equipment of forge room, etc., $2,800.00; drop testing machine', $4,000.00; brake shoe testing machine, $6,000.00. ; FIRE ESCAPES ON UNIVERSITY HALL. I t was ordered that in the northeast and northwest angles of the court on the south of University hall there be constructed stairways from the top story to the balcony and that each stairway be protected by a wall of brick extending out far enough to shut off any flames that might, in case the main inside stairways were on fire, burst out of the windows. One thousand dollars had been appropriated for these fire escapes at the meeting of May 2, 1908. A S S I G N M E N T OE FtJNDs. President Abbott presented the following from President James: A recommendation that the balance of the sums appropriated by the legislature for specific purposes be now assigned by the board to said purposes, and that the balance of sums already appropriated by the board for salaries from these specific appropriations but which may not be used during the present year owing to the fact that the position may not be filled, be appropriated for the same purposes. The recommendation was adopted. ADVANCE TOR PRESIDENT J A M E S ' TRAVELING EXPENSES, President Abbott presented a request from President James that $1,000.00 be advanced to him towards expenses of the tour he is undertaking to inspect Veterinary Colleges and Research Laboratories in this country and Europe. The advance was authorized on motion of Mr. Lehman.