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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1908J PEOOEEDINGS OF THE BOAKD OF TEUSTEES. ' 501 Meeting of the Executive Committee, of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, June 20, 1908. A meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of t h e Uniyersity of Illinois was held at the Palmer House in 5:30 o'clock, p . m,, J u n e 20, 1908. Messrs. A'bbott and the Committee were present, Mrs. Alexander was absent. President James was present. Mr. W. L. Pills'bury acted the Committee. Trustees of Chicago at Lehman of as Clerk of A P P O I N T M E N T S IN T H E D E P A R T M E N T OF PHYSIOLOGY. Upon recommendation of Dean Townsend, Dr. Otis 0 . Stanley was appointed instructor in the department of physiology at a salary of $700.00 for the ten months, beginning September 1 , 1908. Authority was also given to appoint two laboratory assistants, one at a salary of $750.00, and one at a .salary of $250.00, also a student assistant at a salary of $150.00. SALARIES INCREASED. Upon the recommendation of the President the salaries of the followi n g professors were increased to the sum of $3,000.00 each from September 1, 1908: Herbert J. Barton, Charles M. Moss, Daniel K. Dodge, Arthur H. Daniels. A P P O I N T M E N T S \ M A D E S I N C E M A Y 2, 1908. . President James reported for record the following -statement of appointments made to fill vacancies since the meeting of the board held May 2, 1908: Assistants in English: Vida Lucille Collins, ten months beginning September 1, 1908, half time, $35 a month. John Clark Jordan, ten months beginning September 1, 1908, haft-time $35 a month. Winifred Almina Perry, ten months beginning September 1, 1908, half-time $35 a month. Arthur Ray Warnock, ten months beginning September 1, 1908, $80 a month, Arthur Gerald Tietje, ten months beginning September 1, 1908, $80 a month. T. C. Pease, assistant American history for ten months beginning September 1, 1908, at $30 a month. Drury L. Weatherhead, scholarship in chemistry in the graduate school, ten months beginning September 1, 1908, $25 a month. Raymond C. Kotz, scholarship in chemistry in the graduate school, ten months beginning September 1, 1908, $25 a month. Joseph L». Sloanaker, scholarship in chemistry in the graduate school, ten months beginning September 1, 1908, $25 a month. Annabel R. Harrison, scholarship in classics in the graduate school, ten months beginning September 1, 1908, $25 a month.
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