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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

500 UNIVEKSITY OF ILLINOIS. [June 20 ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION. 17. Recommendation from the director of the engineering department station that $3,000.00 be appropriated for the expenses of the engineering experiment station in addition to the appropriation made one year ago. Further, that Wilford F. Wheeler be appointed first assistant in the Engineering experiment station, department of chemistry, at a salary of $115 a month, for the term of twelve months, salary and service beginning July 1, 1908. Further, that F. L. Busey be re-appointed as first assistant in the engineering experiment station department of mechanical engineering for the term of one year, beginning July 1, 1908, at a salary of $100.00 a month. Becommendation with regard to the appropriation was referred t o the Committee on the College of Engineering with power to act. Messrs. Wheeler and Busey were appointed as recommended on motion of Mr. Lehm;an. ASSISTANT DEAN IN THE COLLEGE OF LITERATURE AND ARTS. 18. The dean of the college of literature and arts requests that Professor George H. Meyer be appointed assistant dean of the college of leterature and arts with a compensation of $250.00 a year. On motion of Mr. H a t c h the appointment was made as requested. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY. 19. A recommendation that Dr. John H. McClellan be appointed assistant professor of histology and embryology in the University of Illinois for the year 1908-09, at a salary of $2,000.00, having charge of the instruction in physiology, service and salary to begin September 1, 1908. The recommendation was adopted on motion of Mr. Lehman. Mrs. Alexander moved t h a t Dr. K e m p be asked t o withdraw his resignation and i n case t h a t he does so, t h a t h e be given leave of absence for one year on half pay. On motion of Mrs. Busey, the further consideration of t h e question was postponed until t h e next meeting of t h e board. ROOM FOR A L U M N I QUARTERLY. Mr. Abbott presented a recommendation from Professor White, en^. dorsed by Dr. Burrill and Dean Goss t h a t a room be fitted u p in Engineering hall for the Alumni quarterly, at an expense of $100.00. The recommendation was referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds with power to act, on motion of Mrs. Alexander. T h e board adjourned. ' W. L. P I L L S B U R Y , W. L. ABBOTT, Secretary. ' " President.
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