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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

498 UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS. [June 20 1905 for a term of three years. Mr. Knisely has met the trying conditions under which the board of examiners has worked, especially in the administration of the laws relating to the waiver clause, with great satisfaction to your committee. It is, therefore, with regret, that your committee deems it wise to follow the established precedent, and recommend that his successor be appointed from outside those who hold positions on the present board. Your committee, however, wishes to express its appreciation of Mr. Knisely's services during the two terms in which he has served the University. The rule adopted by the board of trustees, provides that at least two of the board of examiners must be "skilled in the practice of accountancy and actively engaged therein in the State of Illinois.' , As one of the present members of the board, Mr. S. S. Gregory, is a practicing lawyer, it is therefore necessary that the successor to Mr. Knisely should fulfill the above requirement. D. KINLEY, W . L . PlLLSBURY, MAURICE H. ROBINSON, Secy., Committee on Accountancy. DISTRIBUTION OF ART OBJECTS. 11. A recommendation that a committee consisting of the Supervising Architect, Professor J. M. White as chairman, Professor Wells, Professor Lake and Professor Ricker, be authorized, if they deem best, to determine the distribution and location in other university buildings of the art objects now housed in the basement of the library building, and that the supervising architect be directed to place the said objects in the position selected by the committee. Recommendation adopted on motion of Mr. Hatch. APPOINTMENTS. 12. Recommendation from the Dean of the College of Agriculture, that Jay Boardman Park be appointed assistant in chemistry in the agricultural experiment station at a salary of $720, beginning September 1, 1908. John Willard Calvin be appointed to a similar position with similar salary, beginning at the same time. J. M. Barnhart be appointed assistant in the dairy department at a salary of $1,000 from September, 1908. All these for twelve months. Professor J. H. Pettit be given leave of absence without pay, for the year beginning September 1, 1908. On motion of Mrs. Busey the appioinments were miade as recommended and Professor P e t t i t was given a further leave of absence without pay. BUDGET OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL. A recommendation that the following budget be approved for the Graduate School for the academic year 1908-09: Special research $5,000.00 Incidentals 1,200.00 Office help 250.00 Special library equipment 5,000.00 On motion of Mrs. Alexander the recommendation was adopted.
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