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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

496 UNIVEKSITY OF ILLINOIS. [June 20 tent the coming year, in order to take up this work of tuberculosis investigation at once. This means the suspension of certain other important work of the department, and by so doing a fund of five or six thousand dollars will be available for the purpose of making a most thorough and careful investigation of the question of tuberculosis and its attendant evils among dairy cows. By doing this the matter can be carried on temporarily, but if as much is done as ought to be done, will finally require larger funds than can be devoted to this work at the present time, I would therefore suggest that the president be given full authority to authorize and appoint sufficient men to carry on this work in the strongest manner possible. Very truly yours, W. J. FBASEB, Chief in Dairy Husbandry. On motion of Dr. Davison, $6,000.00 from the dairy husbandry funds was appropriated for investigation as suggested by the foregoing letters. 7. Professor A, T. Lincoln tenders his resignation as assistant professor of chemistry to take effect September 1, 1908. On motion of Mrs. Alexander the resignation was accepted. 8. That George A, Huff be reappointed director of physical training for the year 1908-09, at a salary of $2,500 per year. On motion of Mrs. Alexander the appointment was made. MILITARY COMPANIES AND SCHOLARSHIPS. 9. A recommendation from the military department that three additional companies be organized in the University regiment, and that nine additional scholarships be provided for the officers necessary to man these companies. On motion of Mr. Hatch the recommendation was approved and it was ordered that the three additional companies be organized and that the military scholarships be established. The board took a recess until 2:30 p. m. AFTERNOON SESSION J U N E 20, 1908. When the board convened after the recess, the same members were present as during the morning session. REPORT OF ACCOUNTANCY. 10. Report of the University committee on accountancy. Said committee recommends that Mr. W. A. Chase ot McGregor, Chase & Co., Chicago, be appointed member of the board of examiners for the three years beginning July 1, 1908. The report was received for record, and Mr. Chase was appointed as recommended. - ' ' June 8, 1908. President Edmund J. James, University of Illinois. DEAR SIR—The University committee on accountancy wishes to submit its annual report upon the administration of the law relating to the certification of public accountants in the State of Illinois.
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