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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

484 UNIVEKSITY OF ILLINOIS. P A P E R B—STATE A P P R O P R I A T I O N S . [June 9 * March 31, 1908. Operating Expenses— Closed out Instruction Services Accredited schools Advertising, postage, etc Astronomy Board e x p e n s e Botany Buildings and grounds College of Science College of Literature and Arts School of Education, lectures Furniture and fixtures... .• Geology H e a t and light History Physical training, women" Psychology Library South Campus Gymnasium Stationery and printing Summer session Unassigned Received. E x p e n d ' d . Balance. , .- $ 11,805 39 $ 11,805 39 182,766 78 182,766 78 50,488 46 50,488 46 639 96 $ 260 04 900 00 2,323 30 6,000 00 3,676 10 177 14 322 86 500 00 1.548 57 851 43 2,400 00 1,206 16 1,400 00 193 84 8,977 57 8,977 57 500 00 500 00 119 58 130 42 250 00 201 44 300 00 98 5# 600 00 1,000 00 400 00 1,726 08 1,726 08 728 09 1,936 78 1,208 6929,876 09 29,876 09 162 86 250 00 87 14 32 12 36 4068 52 1,822 10 5,000 00 3,177 90> 431 25 800 00 368 75 140 53 140 53 62 89 62 89 4,411 99 4.411 99 225 00 225 00 3,988 03 3,988 03 175 48 175 48 158 56 175 04 333 60 133,716'81 133,716 81 $450,000 00 $305,311 90 $144,688 10 Apparatus and mate?ial— Closed out Applied chemistry Geology Psychology $4,350 00 950 00 200 00 500 00 $6,000 00 $4,350 00 835 33 105 54 440 28 $5,731 15 $114 67 94 46 59 72 $268 85 $100,000 00 $100,000 00 Agricultural Experiment Station— F e e d i n g experiments T r e a t m e n t of orchards Crop experiments Soil examinations Dairy investigations Interest on endowment— General Agricultural College $25,000 15,000 15,000 25,000 15,000 7,500 00 00 00 00 00 00 $23,528 35 7,813 92 10,964 64 20,373 38 13,507 84 1,903 93 $15,799 41 12,719 70 $28,519 11 $28,633 43 $5,491 70 $2,112 63 $1,471 7,186 4,035 4,626 1,492 5,596 65 08 36 62 16 07 ' $15,971 69 15,971 70 $31,943 39 $50,000 00 $6,000 00 $5,000 00 $ 172 28 3,252 00 $3,424 28 $21,366 57 $508 30 $2,887 37 Engineering extension— E x p e r i m e n t station Architecture Civil engineering Electrical e n g i n e e r i n g Railway engineering Physics Fellowships College in general and general engineering drawing Unassignea $29,500 00 2,450 00 3,500 00 5,950 00 9,100 00 5,950 00 5,950 00 6,300 00 4,000 00 1,400 00 900 00 $75.000 00 $16,251 19 $13,248 81 1,488 37j 961 63 1,950 60 1,549 40 5,876 53 73 47 5,636 11 3,463 89 2,695 31 3,254 69 844 99 5,105 01 2,158 43 4,141 57 1,300 00 2,700 00 1,119 85 280 15 900 00 $39.321 38 $35,678 62
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