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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

480 UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS. [June 9. Classification and cataloging1. Shelving, storing, and caring for books. Admittance to the stack. Home use, or the loan of books. Reference use. Reserve books. Seminary libraries. Inter-library loans. Relations with the Library School. 3. To have State meetings, the dates to be regularly and publicly announced. Your Committee also approves the following recommendations made by Mr. Lake and the Librarian and referred to the Committee by President James. A recommendation from Mr. Lake the curator of the art collection housed at present in the basement of the library building, that the objects there collected be distributed part of them in the auditorium building and part of them in the rooms of the department of art and design. A recommendation from the librarian that newspaper shelving be placed in the room in which the art collection is now housed, sufficient to take care of the bound volumes of newspapers which we have at present and some slight provision for the regular additions in the next year or two. Your Committee recommends further that the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars be appropriated for the purchase of newspaper racks in accordance with the plans submitted. This action is taken on condition that it is feasible in the opinion of the Supervising Architect and the library board to protect the volumes properly from the effect of dampness in said room. Respectfully submitted, CABBIE T. ALEXANDER, Chairman. The report of the Committee on the Library was approved and the appropriation was made. TREASURER'S REPORT. The Secretary presented the Treasurer's Report, for the quarter ending March 31, 1908, which was referred to the Finance Committee. H. A. HAUGAN, TREASURER, IN ACCOUNT W I T H T H E UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS, MARCH ,31, 1908. Dec. Jan. 1907 Dr. Balance per last statement Received from W . B. Day, Actuary, for credit of School) of Pharmacy fund Received from State Bank of Chicago, six m o n t h s ' interest on $4,000 bonds of College of Physician's and Surgeons, for credit of College of Medicine fund Received from W . B . Day, actuary, for credit of School of Pharmacy fund Received from W . B. Day. actuary, for credit of School of Pharmacy fund • Received from Treasurer of the United States, quar terly appropriation under the Hatch act, for credit of Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t Station fund Received from Treasurer of the United States, quarterly appropriation under the Adams act, for credit ofI Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t Station fund Received from D. A. K . Steele, actuary, for credit of College of Medicine fund Received from W. B. Day, actuary, for credit of School of Pharmacy fund : Received from W . B. Day, actuary, for credit of School| of Pharmacy fund Received from O. E . Staples,for credit of general fund Received from W . B. Day, actuary, for credit of School of Pharmacy fund $ 327 00| 120 00 380 00 530 00 3,750 00 2,250 00| 1,189 34 295 001 205 00 10,000 00 175 Ool $155,566 17 '1908
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