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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1908] PEOOEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT JAMES. 479 1. A recommendation from the Dean of the College of Agriculture that Dr. Nellie E. Goldthwaite be appointed research assistantjn the department of domestic science for the term of twelve months at a salary of fifteen hundred dollars a year, work and salary to begin September 1, 1908. Voted that said recommendation bo approved. 2. A recommendation from the Dean of the College of Literature and Arts that J. C. Duncan be appointed assistant professor of accounting in the University at a salary of two thousand dollars per annum, service and salary to begin September 1, 1908. Voted that said appointment be made. UNIVERSITY BENEFICIARY OF MRS. VOODRY'S WILL. President Abbott presented an official notice jfrom the county clerk of McLean county to the effect that by the will of Mrs. Anna J. Voodry, the Trustees of the University of Illinois were made beneficiaries, and that there would be a hearing in the county court at 2:00 o'clock, p. m., July 3, 1908. I t was voted that Judge Harker be requested to attend and represent the interests of the University at the hearing. LIBRARY AND LIBRARY FUNDS. URBAN A, ILLINOIS. June 9, 1908. To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. Your Committee on the Library to which was referred a communieation from the University Senate begs leave to report that it recommends the adoption of the proposed plan for the management of the library and library funds with certain changes. The plan with changes is as follows: First, that the following officers be constituted a committee on the apportionment of library funds for the purchase of books, periodicals and binding: 1. The President. 2. The Librarian. The Deans of the Colleges of:— 3. Agriculture. - 4. Engineering. < 5. Law. 6. Literature and Arts. 7. Science, and the 8. Graduate School. Second, that there be constituted a senate standing committee on library administration and policy, consisting of the President and the Librarian and seven members representing the following interests: 1. Agriculture. 2. Engineering. 3. Science. 4. Graduate School. 5. Library. 6. The languages, the literatures, and the arts. 7. The philosophical and social sciences. Among the duties of this committee shall be:— 1. To prepare for the use of the committee on apportionment, prior to its assignment of the funds, detailed estimates of the library needs of the various, colleges, schools, and departments. 2. To consider and recommend to the Trustees the methods of library administration and policy, such as: Administration and policy. Ordering and accessions. Exchange of University publications
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