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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1908] PEOCEEDINGS OF THE BOAED OF TEUSTEES. 475 The committees rejected the bid of A. Dietsch & Co., for the irregularity above noted and then voted to recommend, with one exception, that the contracts for greenhouse and service building be awarded to the low bidders. The one exception noted was Showers & Loper, who bid on brick instead of concrete for foundation. Following is a tabulation of the bids as received and recommended for acceptance: Work. Greenhouse—Superstructure . .do ..do ..do General Contract—Service building. . .do Masonry—Service building . .do ..do ..do : Contracts to be awarded Bidder. Lord & Burham Co Foley Mfff. Co A. Dietsch & t o Hitchings & Co English Brothers Showers & L o p e r English Bros Showers & Loper Champaign C e m e n t Block Co Welch & Hawley Bid. L o w Bid. . $4,706 00 3,083 00 $3,083 66 2,690 00 (Rejected) 4,997 00 6,167 00 5,790 00 5,790 00 1,033 00 946 00 1,009 37 975 00 $9,848 00 The supervising architect estimates that in addition to the above other contracts for this building will be necessary as follows:. Grading and tiling ^ $ 679 00 t Heating, plumbing and lighting 3,000 00 Total $3,679 00 making the total cost of the floriculture greenhouse $13,527.00. The committees beg to call the attention of the Board to the fact that for these structures the Board has thus far appropriated only $3,000.00 Respectfully submitted, FEED L. HATCH, Chairman Joint Committee. Mr. Hatch moved the adoption of the recommendation and that the joint committee be authorized to enter into1 contracts for the floriculture greenhouse and service building at a cost not to exceed $14,000.00, the cost of these buildings to be defrayed from the following funds: Already appropriated from floriculture and horticulture fund From general Agricultural College fund From horticultural department fund.. From State appropriation for floriculture (1908-9) Total $3,000 5,000 2,000 4,000 00 00 00 00 $14,000 00 The motion was adopted. FENCES—MILK ROUTE-LEASES OF LANDS. e CHAMPAIGN, I I I . , June 6, 1908. Mr. W. L. Pillsbury, Secretary Board of Trustees, University of Illinois: DEAR, SIR:—The Committee on Agriculture held a meeting in the library June 6 to consider various matters which had been referred to it by the Board, and begs to report as follows: Line Fence.—In the matter of the controversy with Mr. Sullivan, the owner of land adjoining the University farm on the south, regarding the location of the line fence between the two properties, Judge Harker reported that he had arranged with Mr. Sullivan for a new survey of the line by neutral surveyors and that both parties had agreed to abide by the decision. Judge Barker's acts in the matter so far, were approved and he was authorized and directed to proceed along the lines he indicated, to a conclusion.
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