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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

474 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [June 8 Jamieson, Earl, M. D. Josselyn, Thyra Hildegarde Joyce, Thomas Mathias Kelly, Andrew Cyril Knap, John Luther Kucera, Jerome Francis Lalor, Joseph Clinton Larkin, William Raphael Laue, Wilmert Paul, M. D. Lederer, Arthur Lee, Alice Lulu Lee, Newton Deyoe Lindstrom, Charles Oscar Lund, John Mayhue Lunn, Jacob Osmond McCabe, Bernard Vincent McCormick, Roscoe Conklin. B. S. McGrory, Joseph Jay Marion, Norman Edward Martison, Elsie Marie, M. D. Mayos, Charles Everett Meade, Frank Sherwood, Jr. Mercer, Whedon Worley Meyer, Carl Albert Mikkelson, Edward Michael Miller, Harry Clifford, B. S. Moran, James Michael Morrow, George William Mosser, Robert, Ph. G. Murphy, Elam Turner, A. M. Nathanson, Frank Louis Needham, Frank Stewart, M.. D. Neer, Wilmer Young Noger, George Joseph Norris, Samuel Brown Nowack, Louis Henry Nussle, Albert Charles O'Connell, Sarah Conley Olkon, David Mortimer, M. D Ostrowski, Romuald Othelo Otrich, Grover Cleveland Parks, Jennie Winship Parrish, Homer Coulson Pearce, Warren Frederick Phillips, Rowland Hodge, B. S., M. D. Potter, Leroy Calkins, M. D. Quigley Timothy Charles, A. B. Reese, DeForrest Leslie Rosenzweig, George K. Samuell, Dillard Estep Samuels, Maurace Wolfe Schmidt, Charles Leopold Schneider, Carl Oscar Schroeder, John Cleveland Schuessler, Augustus William Shultz, lone Silverberg, Carl Wilhelm Simon, Louis Jacob Skwor, Charles James Smejkal, Harry Jerome, M. D. Spear, John Frank Spencer, George Joseph Stawicki, John Paul Steere, Harold Haines, M. D. Steiner, Louie Leo Stocks, Arthur Lemuel Strickland, George Wilson, A. B., M. D. Studebaker, John Franklin, A. B., M. D. Summers, Martin Perigo Taylor, John Ellsworth, M. D. Theis, Victor, M. D. Thometz, Francis Peter, A. B. Thurber, Harry Robert Tucker, George Willard Von Stauffer, Grace Salome Walker, Evahn Russell, M. S., M. D. Wallace, James Henry Wedel, Gustav, M..D. Wiersen, Theodore Martin Williams, William Wood, Annie Wood, Eulalie Zeigler, Charles Arthur The secretary presented the following committee reports: FLORICULTURE GREENHOUSES. CHAMPAIGN, I I I . , June 6th, 1908. MrrW. L. Pillsbury, Secretary Board of Trustees, University of Illinois. DEAR SIR: A joint meeting of the Committee on Agriculture and the Committee on Buildings and Grounds was held in Chicago May 29th to receive and open bids for the proposed Floriculture Greenhouse. At this meeting the following bids were received for the superstructure: The Lord & Burnham Co. A. Dietsch & Co. Hitchings & Co. The bid of A. Dietsch & Co was not accompanied by a certified check when opened, and before such a check was furnished the bid was raised about $400.00. The committee took no action on the bids at the Chicago meeting, but adjourned to meet at the University June 6th, at which meeting bids for a service building for the greenhouse were received and opened.
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